Wednesday, May 29, 2013

105, Remembering Caleb

I would be ungrateful if I didn't share my feeling regarding Caleb and his family. We have mentioned them occasionally over the months but now he deserves his own entry. 

He was a cute little 6 year old with an incurable lymphnode disease. Him and his mother Jennifer, his Dad, and 2 sisters Renee and Evelyn have been here since February 2012.

Lindsey got to know him quite well in the hospital school. For many months Lindsey and Caleb would visit in school both being followed around by nurses and equipment. On Wednesdays Lindsey and Caleb would play games together. His favorite game was Museum. Lindsey said he loved to smile.

As Lindsey got her transplant, Caleb  got worse.  6 weeks ago, they were told he would never leave the hospital and would eventually pass away there.  I don't know how a parent deals with that. There was always hope with Lindsey, there was always options.  Still are.  But not for Caleb.

4 days ago, Caleb was sitting up playing a game with one of the nurses. He quietly laid back, and died... Just like that... When his mother got there, she just held his body, for over 5 hours she just sat there with her 6 year old.  Now she does not know what to do. Who would?  He has been her life for 15 months.  Often she calls or goes over to 3 North and can't understand how there could possibly be someone else in Caleb's room.

I feel so bad for his parents. They don't have the support group we have been blessed with. Now as we are excited and packing up, she too is packing up with her 2 girls.  It doesn't seem right that we are both leaving but under totally different circumstances.

God has a plan for each one of us. I don't understand how/why we are going home with 5 healthy kids and Jennifer and her husband are going home with 2 of their 3. We have prayed and will continue to pray to God who will somehow, someway, comfort that good family. I have a ton of respect for them.

Please remember how blessed you are.


  1. What a beautiful and moving tribute to an amazing child and family Jason...and thank you for the reminder of how blessed we all are. I think I often take for granted how precious time and life really is with our healthy kids and family, but life as you know it can change in a heartbeat. I will hug my kids a little closer today and be thankful that we have been given so much, all while keeping this family who has lost so much in my heart as well...

    Heather Mack
    Mom or Gus and Olivia

  2. Thanks for sharing. Especially since last May, I've tried to be at least cognizant of the experiences that so many are going through. It helps give me perspective. I'm glad to see your family is doing well. I wish it worked out for everyone.

    Someone posted this to the Team Kenton site earlier today:

    "Children with cancer (or serious illnesses) are like candles in the wind who accept the possibility that they are in danger of being extinguished by a gust of wind from nowhere and yet, as they flicker and dance to remain alive, their brilliance challenges the darkness and dazzles those of us who watch their light" -Author Unknown

  3. Isn't that the little boy that was in Lindseys old room when we went to the hospital? Thats to bad but bless his Heart now his little body can rest...

  4. What a sweet boy. Bless his family. And bless your family too for your compassion for others. Have a safe trip and a wonderful "homecoming". Johanna Anderson

  5. I really wish I would have read this before I tried to put my 3 year old son to bed! I was a bit too impatient and this would have helped with some perspective when I think I've about had it! Very toughing post. What a dear little boy and my prayers go with his family.

  6. From our days at Ronald McDonald House, we spent many evenings eating dinner with Jennifer and her family, they really are great people who loved that little boy more than anything and did all they could to keep their family going throughout the toughest time of their lives. It breaks my heart reading this post and knowing that they are finally going home but not the way they hoped for. Please let them know that they are and always will be on our minds. I pray that their transition home goes as smoothly as possible.
