Monday, May 27, 2013

103, Galbraith's, Shek's and Hansen's

These are some people and events we don't want to forget.  After church yesterday we went to the Galbraith's for dinner. Another very nice family. About have him talked into coming to Oregon for the October deer hunt.  She is due with her 7th any day.

Today, Memorial Day, we went to the movie Epic with Jen Shek and her family. Kids loved it, we all did. Afterwards we went to a Chinese restaurant for some authentic food. Kids didn't eat much but I loved it. Sierra's good friend, Annalee Soohoo, came along. She is 1/2 Chinese so she was showing us the 'right' way (and the fast way) to use chop sticks.

This afternoon we were invited to go with the Hansen's to the Golden Gate National Cemetery. It is a military cemetery which has about 137,000 service men and women. Very good experience for our family, especially on Memorial Day.

Tomorrow we are back to work. Lindsey has her last day of PT. She needs to be ready to go. They will be doing testing on her to see her progress.  Then off to school. Sierra has English and Math finals (late night ahead of us). Megan has basketball practice. Hunter has his 1st grade class party. Gage is Gage.

Other news, Rogilio got his heart. Waited since Nov 15. He was on the Berlin and took our room when we moved out. Same day, Kaleb, cute little boy in Lindsey's school finally passed away. He had an incurable disease. Very sad for that family. Chloe, who was on the Berlin the same time as Lindsey, is back in the hospital with a high fever and vomiting. They hope it's 'just a bug' and will pass, but needs to be here to watch.  It's the new reality for all these families. 

Last few days we have been sharing our favorite memories of living here. I will share in another blog. (I need to go)

 Galbraith's clan
 One and only Liz Niccum
 Dick and Mimi Peery
 Steve and Barbara Young
 Another visit to the tree swing. Still a Hunter favorite.

 Gage explaining the rules.

 Chinese food with the Shek's and Annalee Soohoo.
 Stacy and Jen Shek

 The one and only Michelle Hansen.

 At Jeffery's with Georgia, Hart's daughter and Lucy. 


  1. That is a cool tree branch fort in the gully. The picture of the cemetery was humbling. What a debt we owe to all those who have sacrificed to make this such a great land to live in!
    I imagine this will be a tough week. Good luck.

  2. There is a basketball hoop at the RMD?? Are you kidding me? I had no idea. Apparently, I needed to venture out of our room a bit more. Tree swing, basketball hoop, all these things I had no idea even existed! When you guys go back for your other check ups and stuff will you stay at the RMD?

  3. What a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend filled with a wide variety of memories! By the looks of the pictures the kiddos enjoyed every moment. Just one question, how did the game go after Gage gave the directions?!?!?! He looks rather serious! Hang in there Sierra'll make it through all those finals and do an awesome job! Lindsey Lou hope your last PT day went well! loves, hugs, and many more prayers xoxoxoxo

  4. Wow, your story is amazing. I wish you all the best on your Journey. I just watched you story on Dateline and I am so happy you shared you story with the world. I have 2yrs old who was born with HLHS and now she is heart transplant and you are right we are blessed to have them in the end. I will be praying for you family.

  5. Watched Dateline last night and my heart goes out to the most wonderful Mom and Dad, and all the courage you have had to endure this journey in your childrens lives. My prayers to you and famil, and I hope to contimue seeing good postings and followups, as I am interested. Thank you so much for sharing.
    \Judy F.

  6. Hi, my name is sherry Vasquez I am Nicohlas's paternal grandmother I have been trying to email you but I can't for some reason if you could email me that would be great

    Thank you,
    Sherry Vasquez

  7. I saw Wednesday night's episode of Dateline and was inspired beyond words. I have been ill (nothing like the children) and found all your strength of great encouragement. For the past 7 months, I have been out of work with absolutely no income; as such, I struggle with having a positive attitude or having faith in getting better. Yet, I look at your family and what you have gone through and continue to go through; you all embrace your situation(s) with such vivaciousness and grace. Through you, I find hope. In addition, I aspire to be more like you: not complaining; handling my circumstances with the courage Jason and Stacy have shown their children; and the passion and solace the kids share with each other and the world. Sharing your hardship with the public is a greater service than you realize. Not only are you bringing attention to organ donation awareness, but you are also giving others (sick or not) the gift of conviction.

    I praise the Bingham family and am very grateful for your gifts. Thank you!

  8. I just finished watching your Dateline special. Thank you for letting the world be a part of your struggles and celebrations!
    My mother recieved a heart transplant when I was 15 and your story was like reliving my own experience with my mother, including the highs and lows of the journey. Just like your children, my mother had a genetic cardiomyopathy and she is one of two that have recieved transplants out of the 3 children in her family. We also are still uncertain the genetic link.
    Since her transplant I have been volunteering for the Oregon Donate Life group and I thank you so much for sharing your story nationally to spread the word about the need for organ and tissue donation!
    Again thank you so much for sharing a part of your family's journey! I will be praying for your family.
    Take care,
    Annie (Portland, OR)
