Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Kaspers

Good morning crew. We received the biopsy results yesterday afternoon. All good stuff. She got a rejection score of 1a (again) with 0 being the best and 4 being the worst. This is her 3rd 1a, she will get to a zero but we are definitely happy with a 1a. No biopsy now until Monday the 18th. Her heart pressures a still a little high so they have started a new diuretic to help pull some of the fluid off. They have stopped the blood pressure patch, which was causing her hair to fall out. Now her blood pressure is slightly higher.  We are watching it very close.  At physical therapy yesterday the therapist said she has not seen anyone in her age group this strong after transplant. Thanks to Mandi and Sandra and all the many walks we did. She now will go to therapy only twice a week  Sierra's has a blood draw next week then they will determine if /when to do the next IV treatment.

Last night we had a wonder treat. Aaron and Toni Kasper came by for a visit. So good to see them. They took us out to the Olive Garden. Lindsey had been wanting to there for many months and this was our chance. We have a great visit with an ole' Bakerite. The only problem he has is this fetish with the Cougars of that Provo school, that guy is a true blooded Aggie he just doesn't know it. His wife Toni had foot surgery several weeks ago and they are traveling to southern Calif to meet up with family at Disney Land. They are a couple that helps put life into perspective. They have both overcome some huge trials in their lives and I have ton of respect for them and their kids. Thanks Aaron and Toni for taking the time to visit with us.

Today we have a treat. In the play room yesterday Lindsey received tickets to the movie premier of Croods.  Lots of excitement in the air.  Stacy is cracking the whip so I need to get a going. 
Aaron and Toni Kasper

At the movie premier Croods. Thanks Kim P.


  1. Fantastic! I loved the pics of her glamor party-fine looking ladies! That infamous zero should be in the near future, but how exciting to even be wondering about what her BIOPSY says! That girl has finally broken free and it is great! Happy travels this weekend and tell Stacy good luck!

  2. I am so glad Lindsey is doing so well. I sure hope Sierra has the same results.

  3. Glad for good results from the biopsy! What exactly happens during a biopsy? Are the girls awake during them? It is fantastic to read of all the fun you are able to have as a family now. It's amazing to think how far she's come in such a short time! Love from Dallas Texas!

  4. Hooray for the good results! I think a 1a is definetely dance material. It's so much fun to see you guys out of that hospital room and playing as a family!! Good luck this week Stacy!!!

  5. Lindsey I love you and miss you.


  6. Awesome pics of the family outings.....ALL together again!!! Love this and love seeing the true happiness on everyone's faces, it is amazing what results come from a little freedom! We continue to pray and believe in the blessings that will bring more freedom to each of the kiddos lives... He is great and glorious, and with his love he will continue to bless you all with strength and health. Jason hope you're able to get lots of work done this week and Stacy, I know you will conquer the week with amazement! Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo
