Thursday, March 7, 2013

3 Weeks ago today

Lindsey went in for biopsy at 8:00 am this morning. Routine procedure to check for rejection. Sierra has her first IV treatment of Rituximab at 10 am, this should take about 8-9 hours. So Stacy and I had to divide and conquer. Wish I could be at the office, but that just ain't going to happen for a bit.

Lindsey is continuing to do well. Getting stronger and eating better. Last night she went with Megan to the church for an activity. I took them and did some work, while they had a glamor party with a bunch of other girls. It was the first time she was able to go out and do 'normal' kid stuff. Her and Megan had a great time. Sierra went to Emily's house for an activity leaving Stacy at the RMH with the boys. At the RMH, they had a kids 'cooking' class. Boys had a great time!

Stacy finally talked Lindsey into a quick visit to 3 West. That has been really interesting  to see how much she does NOT want to go there. She is almost fanatical about it. But once Stacy got her there and she could see some of her favorite nurses, it was okay. Probably good for her to go there, visit, and be able to leave.

Still planning on leaving for Oregon on Sunday and being there for a week.  Stacy and I think she can pull it off without an extra someone here, but we may call on our infamous aunt for assistance.  There will be at least one morning, probably Thursday, when she will have double duty with Lindsey biopsy, Sierra IV, and Gage, but we think with the wonder 'women' in the area she can pull it off.

Still can't tell you how nice it is to not have to be going back and forth to 3 West. Takes so much pressure off to not have to be rushing back, or figuring out how to get kids to activities, or get them to bed, or whatever. Feels like this huge load has been lifted.

Tonight there was a pizza party to celebrate Lindsey's return to the real world. A portion of the pizza sales went to the LPCH. It was a fun activity, but you could see Lindsey still isn't ready for big crowds. It didn't take her long before she wanted to go. Later on Lindsey, Megan and I went to Megan's basketball game at JLS. Lindsey got bored watching but I had a great time.  After the game, we went on a Daddy-Daughter-Daughter Date to Cold Stone. It was just a good thing to do.

Sierra finished her Rituximab treatment then went to the pizza party. The Ardvison's from Oregon stopped by on their way back to Oregon from southern Calif. It was really nice to see them. Stacy loaded up a bag of 'stuff' for them to take home with them.
 Finally got Lindsey back to 3 West for VISIT and nothing else.  She saw Marisa, Nichole, Denise, and Kim. These are just a few of her favorites.  They sure miss seeing our crew roam the halls.
 The boys cookin' at the 'Rainbow Shef' activity

 The pizza party at 'Pizza-my-Heart.
Galye Black, Liz Niccum, Sandra Zenger, Michelle Hansen, Lisa Perry, and Heidi Hart.
These are just a few of the great people that help with our crew.

 Megan playing at JLS


  1. It's wonderful to read this post! Prayers still ongoing for continued healing, good health, "normalcy" and for yall to be back home in Oregon soon. Prayers of thanks to our Father in Heaven. Keep the fun posts coming! God Bless Us All.

  2. I am glad to see you are keeping your nose above water with such a busy schedule. I am even more happy to hear of good days like yesterday. Your whole family looks great. I am so grateful for all the people there who have been so kind, loving and supportive throughout this experience. Sure do love and miss you guys.
    Aunt G & Uncle Seth

  3. The boys are rocking the chef hats! And way to crash the boards Megan. Sounds like it is full speed ahead.

  4. What great pictures! Thanks for sharing. It was great to talk with you for a minute from your dad' s office the other day Jason. Prayers continue!

  5. Still amazes me how no matter what....ALL of you work together to make every day count!!! (Just another example of how each of you continue to inspire and encourage others!) Glad to know Stacy's "wonder womaness" is rubbing off down there too and wonderful to know that your Cali support team continues to grow!! They have all been so kind and caring and it's encouraging to know you are in good hands. Still praying for zero dances for both kiddos.... they are both more than deserving of that precious gift. Take care and keep trucking forward!! Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo
