Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 41 - Gage's Check up

Gage's appointment started at 11:45 this morning.  It started with an echo that, "looked improved in some areas and wished it looked better in others."  All in all it looked good.  After the echo, he had an EKG that looked good.  Today was supposed to be the optimization, but the doctor that works with that was out.  So, they just checked his pace maker.  The battery life of the pacemaker is supposed to be 5 years, but his is firing so hard it will probably only last 3 and a half.  A summary of the visit is, everything looks good.  No changes to make in his medication regimen and he will return in 3 months for his next check up.  Possibly earlier for his optimization.  This is more than putting the turtle on his belly.  I was wrong in my last post.  Optimization is where they do an echo with an EKG at the same time and try and time the pacemaker beats so the bottom half of the heart beats in sync with the top part of his heart.  This takes almost two hours.  It can be quite a long process.  They have to get the heart in sync and is quite the fine tuning process. Now we look at getting everyones appointments scheduled around the same time.  It just so happens that Lindsey will most likely have an appointment in June. We try and schedule everything around Lindsey's schedule first, then Sierra's and Gage's gets in there when we can.

 For the first 6 months, at least, we will never be longer than 2 weeks from being here. Lindsey's biopsies will go to monthly with clinic visits in between. That is if all the biopsies go well with good results.  I am sure it will not be a problem adding Gage into one of the appointments.  And, that is just Lindsey's schedule.  Add Sierra's into that and, who knows.   

Tonight we were able to attend Hunter's "Curriculum Night."  It was fun to go to his classroom and see all the projects they have been working on. He loves school and is doing really well.  I am very proud of him.


  1. I know that for now this is your new "normal" and hopefully you will be back home with everyone and just make trips back. What a great time that will be. I am so glad all the kids are doing well.. love to follow your post and praying for all of you

  2. Does that mean you might be going home soon? Oh that would be wonderful. Cannot wait to see you all in June at the reunion!

  3. I am so glad/relieved to hear his report was "all in all it looked good". The little comment about his eating not beeing very good had me worried!
    I think Debbie has a great idea - starting to think about home?!
    Good luck to you both and to the children. By the way Jason, that is not the light at the end of the tax season tunnel you are seeing, but rather the headlight on the train!

  4. Good news about Gage.....praying for more good things and that you guys will be able to see a bit of Spring in North Powder as time goes by. Stacy, you're doing a great job, what an outstanding and inspirational role model you are, for Mom's everywhere!! I get worn out just reading about all of your tasks and incredible organization. Prayers for you, especially!!
