Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 40, Monday night

Sunday Sierra spoke in church.  There was a large congregation of people, about 200 or so.  She was the beginning speaker.  I have to say, I was very proud of her.  She got up with great poise and confidence. the Talked slow and clear and looked up at the congregation, instead of reading her talk. She nailed it!  I received a TON of compliments after the meeting was over, on how well she did.

Unfortunately, Jason had to go home and missed it.  But, she gave her talk to him before he left while he videoed it. That way he could play it for people at home.  He is home for another week and will return on Saturday.  Aunt Garrity is on spring break and will be coming to visit for a few days.  The kids are all very excited!!

Gage had his appointment Tuesday.  We will see how he is doing.  It involves an echo, EKG, optimization of his pace maker and a visit with the docs.  He's been acting great but eating poor. The optimization is where they put a little device over his pacemaker that reads all the data stored in his pacemaker.  This tells them how hard it has had to work and a bunch of other stuff. They may adjust some settings on the pace maker by their readings.  All good stuff! Sure hope his heart is hangin in there.

That is it for now.  I will post tomorrow to update on Gage's appointment.


  1. I am very proud of Sierra! My class just finished a speech unit, I'm going to give her an A+ even though technically she isn't in my class this year. :) we love to read your updates and all the pictures of your busy family.
    My sister and I agree there is just something magical about the picture of Lindsey swinging! have a wonderful Easter! God bless! The Hamann's

  2. Enjoy reading the good news here. Continuing to pray for yer whole family as I am thankful for the good things that have happened, but knowing yall still have bumps ahead. I LOVE reading all yer posts! God Bless Us All.

  3. Yay for Sierra....what a beautiful, strong, courageous and spirit filled young lady!! Stacy and Jason, you have much to be proud of and blessed by!!
