Thursday, February 14, 2013

Feb 14, 9:50 pm, Day 240, S-l-o-w-l-y starting to awake

She is now slowly starting to wake up. It would appear she needs to wake up a lot more before they will take the vent out.  When she is awake, she is still confused and is unable to control her hands to write. You can tell it frustrates her, but she is starting to understand.  Only 22 hours ago,she was going in for surgery. Seems like it was days ago.

Tonight they hope to get the vent out, but time will tell. I am staying here tonight for Lindsey support, but definitely going to get some sleep. They have not received the antibody rejection test results back for Sierra, so she is still here.

Honestly, I am so exhausted.....mentally, physically, emotionally, flat out pooped.

 The whole gang on Valentine's Day

 3 West nurses, Suzanna and Kim. Some of her favorites


  1. I love that you can see how much her nurses love her!! It makes me happy!! You're an amazing dad Jas- absolutely amazing! I hope tonight goes smoothly so you can catch up on much needed sleep!!!

  2. Can't find the words through my emotions just yet...still praying and praising...Jessie Cunningham (Betsy's cousin)

  3. Ah, so good to see her filled out, good color, and so much more life in her than last July! What a difference and blessing. It is also such a blessing that Lindsey has such good parents and loving siblings. Your family has been through so much but you can see how glued together you are. It must be that stellar woman who does her duties and still manages to slay the buffalo. I hope everyone sleeps well tonight.

  4. I hope you get some well-deserved sleep! So happy for you, and praying for you.
    Pam (Olsen) Whitmore

  5. God bless you, our prayers are with you! Love the Eubanks family- Bryan, Peggy, Colton, Amy, and Tanner

  6. We are sending all our prayers on this wonderful day to Lindsey and Sierra, and the rest of the family. We have been so overcome with joy at this wonderful blessing. We all miss you so much.
    The Price Family
    Jim, Lisa, Lexie, Jimmy & Sariah

  7. Here's to some shut eye and much needed rest! Hoping some solid rest will continue to give you each the strength that is needed to stay ahead of the days to come and the emotional roller coaster will slow to complete happiness and thankfulness (just right after Sierra gets leveled out...) as you all deserve it! We are so blessed by having been part of this....we have learned so much and perhaps Lindsey has deepened the thoughts for people by her three words, "I did it!" I know she is quite the inspiration and each of you are the best supporting family (cheerleaders) she could ever have! Go get some rest.....and some good grub!!! Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  8. These are the most beautiful pictures . amazing family.. Amazing surgeons.. Amazing parents who chose to donate organs..and of course the favorite nurses of Lindsey.. Surely a rough road .. I can honestly say i am all about faith after watching this journey unfold. be blessed!

  9. we hope you get well soon; Jake bingham clan

  10. Lindsey - You did it! You are one amazing princess!

    Jason and Stacy, you two are absolutely incredible parents. You are an example to parents everywhere of endless love, patience and FAITH! We continue to send our prayers and faith heavenward, in behalf of you two, Lindsey and Sierra, as well as the whole family. Thank you for your example of faith, hope, charity and...ENDURANCE! Lots of love and prayers from Korea.

  11. Thank you for sharing this journey. You are an amazing family that has inspired, uplifted, and humbled me. A wonderful example of support for each other and how to stay committed to keeping a family together despite the challenges you faced. I am filled with deep joy for blessings and miracles this valentines day. Love for all of you, from Dallas Texas!

  12. So happy you are on the post transplant side of this journey. You are all amazing! That seemed like the longest day ever, but seeing her little chest breathing is absolute joy! I hope you are able to get some sleep tonight. You provided all of us with the best Valentine's Day ever! Much love to you!
    Hurray for Lindsey!
    Lois (Ava's grandma)

  13. So much happiness overflowing as we measure the blessing of a new heart! We love your family. thank you for sharing your deep emotional experience with us! We placed all of your names in the Hawaiian Temple today...that should add a measure of relaxation just knowing that! hee hee.
    Seriously, we are so impressed with your FAITH and TRUST in the LORD and His timing and blessings. My heart has also been torn for the donor family. What a gift! Our love to Lindsey...keep are so strong! Amazing princess. A lot of love to Sierra too. Megan is the big sister holding the boys and mom and dad all together. Hugs for all of you. I've never known another woman as amazing as Stacy! Jason you are soooooo blessed. Take care, try to rest. I know you can feel the power of everyone's PRAYERS!

  14. My heart an prayers go out to your lil princess an family. You all are such an insperation to others. You have a wonderful loving family that share so much love an memories. I pray for 100% healing for lil Lindsey as she so deserves this new journey of life. Thougts an prayers an we all send our love an support to you an your family.

  15. That's a lot of tubes but I am soooo glad there is no more canula!!!! That was the first of many tubes that will be disappearing over the next week God willing!!!

  16. So relieved and happy for all of you! I know there is still a long row to hoe, but you will make it! God Bless you and keep you, love, the Brocks

  17. Wow your family is such an inspiration. Thank you so much for reminding us all how we should live. You guys are the perfect example of a Christ like love. I'm so thankful for your story, and willingness to share it. We're praying for you! Keep up the good work. You are awesome parents, and kids! Try getting
    some sleep. Even if it means we are left hanging with no posts for a day :( sending love and prayers from Trenton. Love the Cody Chambers family

  18. These are some of the best pictures I've ever seen! The bonds of strength, hope and love in your family are amazingly inspriational You'll continue to be in my prayers (and tears I'm sure) -- for Lindsey's recovery, Sierra and that your family can find and soon enjoy a new normal -- whaever that is!
    Karen from Ohio

  19. Thank you, Lord for these blessings so far! Please continue blessing them with their needs, Amen!
    Hope you were able to get some much needed rest and some food :)
    Thank you so much for sharing this journey with so many. I know in my case, thanking us for support makes me feel that I have helped you in a small way. You will always be in my prayers :) M.

  20. I love the sound of her beating heart in the video:-)

  21. I am again, so very happy for your entire family. Thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  22. Here is to a peaceful day of healing on all levels! I love the picture of the nurses with Lindsey, and Gage's big grin in the background!! Love You ALL- Aunt G

  23. I have been following your blog since last June through a friend of mine. Your family's faith and strength journey has inspired me in my life.
    I am so grateful that Lindsey has finally received this precious gift. We continue to pray for your family as well as for the donor's family.
    Thank you for sharing your story with those around you.

    You have truly taught me what Nephi meant when he said
    "Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a clove of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."
    2 Ne 31:20

    The Pauls from Kansas

  24. You are wonderful to keep us updated and share how Lindsey is doing. So glad to hear she's doing well. We'll keep the prayers coming for a safe and speedy recovery. I don't know your family personally but I've been reading for a while to see how everyone is doing. Good luck to Sierra, also.
