Thursday, February 14, 2013

Feb 14, 1:50 pm, Out and doing well...I guess

Oh my, thank you for the comments on this morning post. The support is overwhelming! It has been emotional just reading the comments.  That was truly an emotional and life changing event for Stacy and I. What a blessing to witness that and have such a spiritual experience.

Lindsey finally came out and ready for visitors (Mom and Dad) at 10:00 am. It was several hours later than usual, not because of Lindsey, but the donor procurement process was again delayed.  I learned from the doctors there are basically 3 'breaks' during a transplant surgery. 1st, they prepare Lindsey's IV lines, heart/lung bypass, ventilator, and body but do not open her up, until the procurement team has seen the heart.  Once the team as visually seen the donor heart and have giving the go ahead, they move to the 2nd phase. They begin to open her up and prepare for transplant. The procurement team finishes and begins traveling back to LPCH. At phase 3, Dr Katz receives the call that the heart is in the elevator. At that time they begin to cut out her old heart and prepare for transplant. Each one of those phases there were breaks in the surgery. In her case some of the breaks lasted between a half hour to an hour, all depending on the status of the donor heart.   As we know, we saw the heart go on the elevator at 5:50 am and the call was made.  I didn't hear what was said, but phone calls were being made.

She had a little bleeding after transplant, but no real concerns they are telling me about.  She looks great I guess, 8 IV's, 2 chest tubes, 4 IV points, blood products, a ventilator, tracing wires, heart monitors, and of course the foley catheter. This is all standard and 'should' be weened off fairly quickly. They are even talking of letting her start waking up and taking the vent out this afternoon. Stacy and I were thinking Lindsey would be on the vent and maybe we could both sleep at the RMH, but this would be even better! 

Regarding the chin hair. There will be a ceremony on 3 West at 7:00 pm during shift change. Lindsey will have the scissors in hand and cut it down like the basketball nets after winning the state finals!

As for Sierra, I am sitting here with her 4 rooms down from Lindsey. She is eating, doing some homework, and acting great.  They want to move her to 3 West, but as always there is not rooms available. We are wishing we would have procrastinated cleaning up our Room 3241. The issue with Sierra is her heart pressures (not blood pressure). They want the heart pressure in the 7-9 range. Last month it was a 13. This time it was a 30! That is what has her landed in the CVICU.  They were hoping it was raging rejection, because they know how to treat that. But her rejection was only a 1B. So now they are looking closer at the antibody rejection. If it is worse even with the IVIG, then they will talk about plasma pheresis and other rejection therapies. If it is not that, then maybe the coronary arteries or fluid around the heart. Just have to see.

Couple of interesting stats for Lindsey we have learned about. 1) She is the 300th transplant from LPCH.  2) In 3 days she would have set the record for being on the Berlin the longest here at LPCH. The record for thee longest Berlin is a child in Europe that waited 3 YEARS in the hospital. Thank goodness no records here. 3) Yesterday, the policy was passed by the committee to allow parents to take Berlin patience on walks, school, Sobrato room, etc, without a nurse! It goes to the Board for final approval in 2 weeks. The policy was inspired 100% by the Princess.  Ironic we will never use it (for now).

This morning Mary Ellis, the Berlin specialist, took us down and showed us a Thorateck machine. This was the machine Sierra was scheduled to go on the next day before she received the heart. It's a monster of a machine. Thank goodness for the Berlin!

So there you go. Stacy went home to shower and take a nap. I am here with Sierra and Lindsey. It will get really exciting when Linds starts waking up.  By the way, Megan had a good basketball game yesterday.

 May look the same as July 1, but much different! She looks GREAT! Watch and see how the next 24 hours go!

 IV's and vent
My beautiful wife after a long couple of nights.

Yes we are wearing the same clothes.


  1. How wonderful it is to hear read how everybody is doing such a good relief prayers prayers to you all

  2. Can't even imagine...My heart is so full of gratitude and love!!!!

  3. Suzi and I are so excited and filled with joy for all of you!!! READY FOR THE RAZOR DAD????? I bet you will get lots of razors in the mail, and we all think that LINDSEY should get the honor! :) We are blessed to have been able to be part of this journey and are thankful for that. She has already set many records in our minds and for that matter the Bingham Seven have already set many records and have conquered so much. Sierra you hang in there....I am sure the high number had to have had something to do with the exciting news! We will be praying for you Miss Sierra. By the way Stacy you still look awesome for having little sleep. Love you guys and are excited for more updates. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  4. We love you! You are in our prayers. From the Porter family

  5. Again you are all amazing and incredible. Hang in there and we will be praying for some rest for all of you. Lindsey Lou, you look great and YOU DID IT!Love you guys.

  6. So, everyone is wondering when that awsome go-tee is to come off!!! We are so excited. Hunter, Cade and Marli were wondering, since Lyndsey now has her new heart, will she be at school tomorrow? :) I explained, not yet, but hopefully we are on the road to that in the near future! Love all of you. What wonderful blessings. The Lind Family

  7. We are so happy for you! So many of us in the stake, and around the world concerned and praying for your sweet family! Happy happy Valentines Day!
    Mark & JoAnna Madsen, La Grande (from way back in the branch days:)

  8. Thank you (once again) for the updates! I know that I am glued to my phone/computer and am constantly checking for updates! So THANK YOU!!!!

    I'm so glad she is out! How amazing that they are already thinking of letting her wake up! That little princess is quite the fighter! Thank Heavens for the Berlin that allowed her to survive this long and to be SO strong heading into this surgery! What a blessing!

    Jason and Stacy, THANK YOU for allowing us to be a part of this journey. It is incredibly humbling and inspiring! I cannot wait to see how her recovery goes and what they figure out with Sierra and am SO grateful you are in the amazing care that you are in!

    We love you!

  9. Can you hear the sighs of relief from around the United States? I'm not sure any work is getting down in Baker County (or elsewhere) today because everyone is awaiting updates to the blog and facebook! So thank you for the updates. :)
    - Lisa Britton

  10. You all look wonderful! Good job Lindsey you did it! My husband and i just said a prayer for her road to recovery as well as Sierra's. Will keep checking for more updates

    -Krista 3W

  11. God is good! So happy everything went good! Praying all continues on a good path and Sierras pressures come down!
    The Zink family

  12. Big Hugs....glad Lindsey is ok and hope Sierra is ok too...You are a wonderful family....

  13. Praise God! We are so happy she is doing well. continued prayers for her and your family!
    The Greenlee family

  14. I started following your blog last summer after a friend whose son also has heart issues shared it with me. While I have only met you here online, I have been blessed as I've read your story daily and lifted your family in prayer. Thanks for the ongoing updates and allowing us to take the journey with you. How exciting for Lindsey to get her new heart on Valentine's Day of all days...the holiday will never be the same for you again!!! Continuing to lift you in prayer, April in Nampa, Idaho

  15. Thank you thank you for the update!!! You guys are so amazing to take the time to post so the rest of us can know what's going on. It is so appreciated!!!

    She has a TON of lines, that is unreal. I am so glad that everything went well and she is doing so well. She is a fighter and that is for sure.

    We love you all so much!! We will continue praying for a speedy recovery for Lindsey and for them to figure out Sierras mystery. Never a full day, right?!?

  16. A heart transplant on valentines day, wow what a wonderful gift! Speedy recovery <3

  17. Stacy, you look beautiful! So does your daughter and we are all so happy for you. When we went out to lunch it seemed that everybody was talking about how happy they were to learn of Lindsey getting her heart! The whole community (and beyond!)is cheering for you guys!

  18. Wow you guys...she looks awesome! So grateful for modern medicine and the power of prayer!!! Love you guys and so happy for you. Sending hugs your way.

  19. Prays and well wishes from the Westons in North Powder

  20. Thank you Lord for this miracle..and bless the beautiful family who had to lose a loved one to make this possible. Lindsey looks great without her "external" heart helper! Valentines day will never have the same meaning.....try to get some rest Jason and Stacy. Hugs from Baker City

  21. I loved the photo showing the little heart beats on the screen. The little beeps it give off must be music to your ears. ~ Denette

  22. Yeah for a successful surgery!!!! Can't wait to see the princess in full force again!!! Congrats and get some rest!!!

  23. My girls and I have been checking all day for updates- SUCH wonderful news ;). Emily looks forward to Lindsey's return to school (2nd grade NP), and all of us are breathing huge sighs of relief. Lisa B is right-- all of us in Baker are talking and celebrating today!
    The Werner Family

  24. Congratulations on your new heart Lindsey! You're going to feel great in no time at all!

    Gabe Lawson

    What else is there to say? Well, ok, there's lots more but we'll skip it for now, lol! So happy all is going well, so relieved! I can only imagine how you must feel :) keep holding His hand!
    By the way, you both look great considering how it's been since the news! Love the 'whisker' ceremony, does it go in the scrapbook? Lol!
    God bless you all! M.

  26. Awesome news!! Thank you so much for the updates!

    So good to see Sierra can be there with her. Is that because she is already in ICU anyway? Maybe that was another little tender mercy...

  27. Your family continues to be an inspiration for more people than you will ever know I'm sure. I hope this little bump in the road for sierra gets resolved very soon so your whole family can take a much needed break from the craziness. I am so excited to share my big 50 b day with Lindsey. when she hits middle school we're going share cupcakes. :) God bless your family! Love, the Hamann's

  28. I have been praying for your sweet princess. I'm so glad she got her heart!!
    My baby boy had cardiomyopathy at birth and never got a chance to get a new heart.
    I love your family's positive attitude and I know heavenly father has much planned for your special girl.
    Praying for all your children. Especially Lindsey and Sierra. Keep staying strong. I admire you all so much.

  29. Whew! Go Lindsey, go!
    I've been waiting to see this post since I started following when you still counted days in double-digits, and I know that in NO way does that compare to how badly you have wanted to write it!!
    Praying for continued recovery and a smooth evening for all of you, and praying that Sierra's problem is solved quickly! All of you are amazing.

  30. Hooray hooray hooray!!!! I'm so excited for all of you!! So humbling and so amazing!!! Lindsey looks amazing!!! She doesn't have the berlin hanging from her anymore!!! I can't wait to see her over the next week or so! Stacy I agree with Jason how do you manage such craziness with such beauty!! I guess it's easy when it's just natural! Sierra so glad you are feeling good, let's hope they can figure the heart pressures out!! love you all and this is truly the BEST Valentines gift EVER!! obviously for you guys, but for our family as well!!!!! I hope you can get some sleep!! sometime lots of loves and hugs your way Justin and Emily and Fam

  31. I have been following your blog for months and praying daily for a new heart for Lindsey. How wonderful that she got the heart on Valentine's Day! Now praying for both of your precious girls. May God bless you all.

  32. I just came from the dentist in La Grande and Dr. McMahan's first comments to me (even before anything regarding teeth): "Well, what's the latest on Lindsey?" I was so glad to be able to report the most recent good news I had!! Yes, people from Maine to California (literally) and beyond, have been and continue to pray for Lindsey, for Mom and Dad, for Sierra, and all the rest of the family. The hardest moment for me was reading your entry, Jason, descrbing your feelings when you saw the cooler with the donor heart, and realizing all that that meant!! I had to stop crying for a few minutes before I could finish the rest of your entry!! Feeling some relief, and am so very grateful for the blessing all of you have been, and are, in all of our lives. Beyond your nuclear family, extended family, friends and church family, your community, and the state where you all have touched the lives of many, many people. Thanks for allowing us to come along on such a uniquely personal and serious journey....prayers continue, as well as shouts of praise for the life of each one of you.

  33. Such terrific news! I've been thinking of your family all day!

  34. You guys look amazingly good for all of the stress you've been through the last few years. Beautiful wife is right, and you don't look too bad yourself, Jason! Haha. I'm glad to hear everything is going well. Thanks for your frequent updates. Prayers and love to you all and Lindsey on her "heart day."

  35. I am not sure why I am a blubbering mess of tears...I hardly know you guys! I guess it's because I try to imagine my third grader in the same situation, and I just don't think she or I would be as strong and as inspirational as we would need to be. I guess it's true that we are given only what we can handle. Your family continues to be in our prayers--(so...will you still be there in a month??)

  36. Randy here, read this quote today by Elder Marion D. Hanks. "The right question to ask is not why good people have trials, but how shall good people respond when they are tried". And by President Spencer W. Kimball. "Suffering can make saints of people as they learn patience, long suffering and self-mastery. The sufferings of our Savior were part of his education". Jason and Stacy, you are both truly "saints". May the Lord's blessings continue to be with you and strengthen you.

  37. We are so happy for you guys. You have all be in our thoughts and prayers.

  38. Joseph Parker said...
    I never thought I would ever get caught up reading a blog, but since reading the news article in the Baker City Herald, I can't stay away from here. I live in Mount Vernon, Wa. now but Baker will always be home. I am so thankful that the Lord has found Lindsey a new heart, in what I would definately call His perfect timing...Valentines Day! How cool is that? May the Lord Jesus continue to bless your family with the love of Christ and his healing touch.

  39. I have been following your story through my mom, Nancy Swenson, and reading your blog the last few days. I am in awe of everything that has taken place and overjoyed at the heart your daughter received today. My thoughts and prayers have been with your family all day, and I hope both of your girls can heal in the best way possible. Thanks for sharing your story! Lindsey Hall in Spanish Fork, UT

  40. Absolutely amazing. What a day. What a beautiful day for Lindsey and all of you.


  41. I look at the pictures of sweet little Lindsey and think she has to be the strongest and bravest little girl. She amazes me! Your family and the donor family are continually in our prayers.

  42. I can't believe I skipped a day and she got her heart! Made myself read through everything without looking ahead including video's! So happy for her and all of you. I have been following her daily since I think June. So happy:-))))))

  43. Was SO relieved to read the update... More love and positive thoughts to both Lindsey and Sierra. Their strength is remarkable.

  44. The family has been on my thoughts all day....I wont miss reading posts for a day any more!

  45. We are so happy to see amazing Lindsey Lou looking fantastic with her new heart! Spent part of the day at North Powder Charter School, and to say that Lindsey was on everyone's mind would be an understatement. Everyone was waiting for updates, and asking how Lindsey was. Did a short cardiac anatomy lesson and many questions where asked about Lindsey's heart. Just wanted you to know that North Powder was thinking of you all and wishing the very best for Lindsey and Sierra. You are all amazing. We are very Greatful for such a wonderful Valentine's Day. God Bless and Best Wishes, The Swansons

  46. We feel so happy and humbled. During the dark hours of someone else life thy chose to donate. You made it to this point Lindsey! We are sooo proud of you, you did it! We love you. We hope you'll be feeling up to your dance music soon! Love Aunt G & Uncle Seth

  47. There are times when experiences touch those around us, family, friends and even those we don't even know. Stacey and Jason, Thanks for touching and blessing my life in many ways. I am there is you need me.With all my love, Aaron K.

  48. So incredible!!! You all amaze me!!! Thank you so much for sharing this very personal experience with the world---it has been a wild ride! All of us here in Eastern Oregon look forward to seeing you all back home.

    P.S. It doesn't matter that you are wearing the same clothes ;)

  49. Lindsey, you look so good, we are so happy for you.
    We love you all. So very grateful everything is going ok.
    Thinking about you too, Sierra.
    Tom and Glenda

  50. We are thinking and praying for Lindsey, Sierra and the Bingham Clan. We love you! Thanks for sharing your stories!

  51. Rest well sweet Princess. May you all sleep well for all deserve it. Tomorrow is truly a brand new day :)
    Special hugs & prayers for Sierra. God's continued blessings for our amazing Binghams. Love & prayers
    <3 to <3
