Thursday, February 14, 2013

Feb 14, 7:16am, The cooler, A Sacred Moment

Still in surgery. And doing well...I guess. After dropping off our Princess we finished cleaning out Room 3241. There was definitely some mixed emotion there. Many memories in that room we called home. Now it is just another hospital room. Hopefully we will get it back when we move back to 3 West, but probably not.

We filled the suburban and several garbage cans with memories and stuff and have been sitting/sleeping in the 2nd floor waiting area.

At 2:30 am we received the call that the procurement team had seen the heart and it was a go. That was the last hurdle before the transplant.

Slept a little bit, I think.

At 5:30 am we had a very emotional and humbling experience. We received the call that the donor heart was arriving. At 5:50 we watched a carrier holding a blue cooler with red lettering walk by.  It read, "HEART, DONATED HUMAN ORGAN/TISSUE for TRANSPLANT".  We watched as the carrier quietly walked to the elevator and down the same hallway Lindsey had gone down.  It felt somewhat like a funeral procession, but it was much more than that.  I was not prepared for the feelings and emotions that follow. There was a spiritual reverence of seeing that cooler, and what the cooler represented.  A parents child's heart was actually in the cooler. They had made the ultimate gift. We have prayed for that family and this moment every day for the last 240 days. And now, by the grace of God, was being transplanted into our Princess.  There was such a reverence in seeing that.  We quietly followed the carrier to the surgery nurses station, to the doors where we last hugged Lindsey Lou.  They transferred the cooler to one of the surgery team members and he walked through the doors.  At the nurses station, there was a monitor of a surgery in progress. When I looked closely I could see a Berlin Heart and a blanky. There she was, this was the moment, she was actually receiving gift of life. The emotions overwhelmed me and the tears began to flow.  The true reality of this sunk deep.

Now it is 7:45, and Dr. Ashok just came by for an update. The heart is in and beginning to wake up and pump on it's own. They are doing an echo to monitor it's progress. As the heart wakes up, they will begin to ween her from the ECMO heart/lung bypass machine and close her chest.  Could take up to a couple of hours.

Stacy just went back to check on Sierra. Megan and Hunter are off to school, and Gage is having a good time.
 I struggled with posting this picture, but it is such an emotional experience I didn't want to forget it. The feelings of gratitude, love and respect for the donor family are overwhelming.  I have no idea how we could ever thank them. We have prayed for them for months and here it is. God bless that family.


Anonymous said...

And we cry with you! Blessings to all. Love Debbie Waite

rondacae said...

God bless the donor family! I hope that their gift can give them some peace.

Anonymous said...

What an emotional post. It's absolutely overwhelming! I am completely overwhelmed with gratitude for the donor family- I cannot even imagine how you are feeling!

bluee19 said...

Wow, thanks for sharing the photos and updating your blog so that days, months, and years down the road. You and your family can reflect on this journey that you guys are on. May peace and joy overfill your minutes today. Can't wait for a photo of Lindsey waking up with a smile :)

Love, Nicole from Rosemead, CA

Steph Tidwell said...

Wow..I am sitting here crying and I just can't imagine what you are going through.

The Donor family graced you with a gift. A Gift of love. I am sure they felt your prayers and will continue to do so as they heal.

Thank You for keeping us updated on this hard road.

Anonymous said...

Amazing. I can't imagine the feelings on both sides - yours and the donor family's - but to think that part of that person will continue to live, beating in the chest of a beautiful little girl. Wow. Again, thank you for sharing.
- Lisa Britton

Anonymous said...

What a blessing. Thank God for that family that had the courage to let go and save so many other lives; what a beautiful legacy. God bless your family and theirs. Thank you for the updates, I refresh every hour or so to see what her status is. Praying that that little heart gets pumping and going smoothly. Happy Heart Day Lindsey!

-Krista 3W RN

Anonymous said...

Tears are streaming down my face as I see these pictures. What an amazing gift of love and sacrifice, really puts life into perspective. Our heartfelt prayers continue to be said for your family, the donor family and all the amazing doctors and nurses who you can tell have so much love for your family. Happy Heart Day to you all!! the Spackman's

Anonymous said...

This post about the donor heart has left me speechless. Incredible.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing sacrifice for that family to make such an important decision in the face of such heartache. I am so glad that Lindsey is getting her heart...and on Valentine's Day no less!

I can't imagine what a somber experience that was for you..I felt the same when I saw the picture and tears fell down my face even though I don't know you or little Lindsey.

Praying that all goes well for her. Thank you for the updates.

Gina Perkins said...

What an amazing blessing. Continued prayers for you and your children as well as the donor family. Everyone in your home community is lifting you up. A beautiful, sunny day here in honor of Lindsey's special, special Valentine's Day. While it must have felt like an eternity, isn't God's timing amazing?

Anonymous said...

Jason, Stacy, Sierra, Megan, Hunter, Gage, and Lindsay, Thank you for allowing us these many months to be a small part of this saga. Thank you for letting us pray with and for you, to share your ups and downs, to cry with you, to rejoice with you, and to mourn with you for the donor family. Thank you for strengthening our testimonies and shoring up our courage to perservere in adversity. YOU SOOOOOOOOOO ROCK OUT LOUD! Love, Dale and Mike Olsen

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing that emotional post!

Unknown said...

What an amazing testimony of faith you all are! Many prayers are sent out to you! Makes me realize just how important it is to be a thoughts are with both families.

ReNae Coelman said...

What more fitting gift for Valentine's Day than a new heart!! We are so humbled by this great blessing and feel the great love of our Savior close. Nine years ago today Randy had his 3 heart attacks. We are so grateful for the blessings he received then. So, Valentine's Day has a special meaning to us, even more now with Lindsey's gift! Thank you for sharing these precious events of the past 8 months. Our prayers continue to be with Lindsey, Sierra and the rest of your awesome family. And a loving feeling of gratitude goes to the donor family. May they find a great peace in their lives. We love you so very, very much.

nickandhil'sfamily said...

Yes, God bless their family and that sweet child who is now in another place. What a sacrifice to make at such a time and what a huge blessing to so many recipients.

Anonymous said...

So nervous and excited for Lindsey and your family! Valentines's Day is a very appropriate day to receive a heart full of love.
So happy!

With love and prayers,
-Brittany (Willitts) Marrione

LaRene said...

I sitting here reading this last post for the first time and looking at the picture posted...and "I Am A Child of God" being sung by the Tabernacle Choir at this very moment!!!

Kurt said...

I have been following your story and was so happy to read last night that Lindsey finally would be receiving her new heart. I underwent a double lung transplant at Stanford on Christmas Eve 2011 and it is absolutely amazing the difference it has made in my life. My thoughts and prayers are with you on this day and for the many days to come. Lindsey sounds like an incredible person with a very positive outlook on life. I don't think it's any coincidence that she will be getting her new heart on not only Valentine's Day, but also National Donor Day. I can't wait to see a smiling Lindsey!

Take care,
Corvallis, OR

Anonymous said...

I am so amazed and touched by your family....Hugs and all the best to you all....

Lara H. said...

I am so happy for your sweet family! What a wonderful Valentine's gift! :) Praying she comes out of surgery well and heals well.

Heart Hugs and Love from a Heart Mama,

Lara H.

Nick and Kathy said...

What an amazing donor family to give one last act of service for their child! It is truly the ultimate act of service and I'm grateful Lindsey gets to be blessed because of it!!! Many prayers and thoughts for both sides of this tragic blessing!!!

Jen said...

Wow!!! What an emotional post. Years of gratitude are streaming down my face. What a perfect day for your Princess to receive her new heart. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY Binghams!!! We love u!!!

Jen said...


Unknown said...

Thank you for posting. Very emotional& touching.

Anonymous said...

Your family should be on the cover of People. You are what people are about. Even in these trying times you have the unselfishness to feel for others. I hope and pray for your family every day! Super Valentine present to your little one:)

Amy said...

Amazing a new heart on Valentine's Day - God works in mysterious ways!!!!! So happy for you all! Lots of love and good thoughts from my little corner of Brooklyn, NY for all of you :)

teresafreese said...

Emotions over the top, I can hardly think of anything else today. God bless your family, God bless the donor family. Events like these cause me to take pause, count my blessings and give thanks. Continuing to lift your family in prayer...

Whitney said...

I had fallen behind on reading the posts....I BAWLED as I read everything going on. Then I hit my knees in uplifting prayer! Great Blessings coming I pray!!!

amanda said...

can barely wait for more good news! i love how every day has been documented. what an amazing page lindsey can look back on!

Folkmans said...

Please know there are so many of us praying for your family! We also have been praying for the donor family. I have had tears in my eyes with mixed emotions for the last 48 hrs. Thank you for allowing us to understand your journey through your amazing blog. Just know your words will help another family that may have to make the choice to donate a more peaceful decision. God has you all in his hands! You are amazing parents.

Lou said...

Your post has touched so many. This morning I shared your story with a mom at school who was the recipient of a lung transplant and she filled up with tears and offered blessings to you all. What a gift and one that will continue to give in so many ways for years to come as well as all the people that have been touched by your story. Thank you for being so generous to share it and spread such hope, love and Gods grace with so many. When we shared our journey with our daughter Colette's lengthy illness we were so blessed by Gods grace and to see the power of that is no less than incredible. Prayers continue for you. The Vance's

Folkman's said...

Please know there are so many of us praying for your family! We also have been praying for the donor family. I have had tears in my eyes with mixed emotions for the last 48 hrs. Thank you for allowing us to understand your journey through your amazing blog. Just know your words will help another family that may have to make the choice to donate a more peaceful decision. God has you all in his hands! You are amazing parents.

Folkman's said...

Please know there are so many of us praying for your family! We also have been praying for the donor family. I have had tears in my eyes with mixed emotions for the last 48 hrs. Thank you for allowing us to understand your journey through your amazing blog. Just know your words will help another family that may have to make the choice to donate a more peaceful decision. God has you all in his hands! You are amazing parents.

Deb said...

God bless you and your family at this time....Hope everything turns out okay! You will be in my prayers

Lori B. said...

This is an amazing day! I am spending the whole day in prayer and thanksgiving, and just waiting to hear that Miss Lindsey is out of surgery and glowing with her healthy new heart! This feeling of being "one" with your family - and with everyone who has been standing with you for the past 240 days - is truly the Lord's desire for us all. We can't ever thank you enough, Jason and Stacey, for giving us the privilege of sharing so intimately in your lives. We love you!

Anonymous said...

Lindsey, you are so brave. I am so very proud of you. I have been praying for you and your family and the donor family every day since this all began. Love you lots! Glenda Cutright

me said...

I have been following your blog for months, though I have yet to comment.
I am so happy for your family. What a special Valentines Day for you all. Lots of prayers being said.

Anonymous said...

"I am a child of God.
Rich blessings are in store,
If I but learn to do his will
I'll live with Him once more.
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me
Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do,
To live with Him some day."
"(I Am A Child Of God", LDS Hymn book p.301)

Thank you God for the gift of children, parents who love and teach, and the gift of life. Please watch over, bless and comfort these two families!

Anonymous said...

Reading about the emotion you felt as you saw the cooler with the heart in it made me cry. May God bless your family and the donor family. You will all be in our prayers. This is the type of post that people who are not organ donors need to read. What a blessing modern medicine is!

Unknown said...

What an amazing time we live in. What an amazing journey you all have taken....
Looking forward to seeing your next update. Have been thinking of you all for many many months.

Katie Jones-Bedolla