Friday, February 15, 2013

Feb 15, 10:24 pm 36 hours post transplant, Old vs New echos

Again we love the comments. They are always a strength to us. Boys are spending the night at Liz Niccums and Megan is at PK's. Sierra just wanted to stay with her Mom and Dad. I don't blame her, it was one of those days for her. Lindsey still sleeping most of the time, needs forced air, but mostly needs to have those kidney's kick in.  When kids go on the heart / lung bypass the the organs often take time to come back. Basically we are waiting for her kidney's to kick, then she will pee off a ton of fluid, including the sleepy medicine she received during transplant, and the fluid she is retaining. 

A lot of this reminds me of Sierra's recovery. After a couple of days Sierra's kidney's kicked in, she pee'd so much she looked like a prune.  That could very well be the case by morning.  But for now she mostly sleeps.  Since transplant they have dropped 3 of the IV's.  Again they say she is doing as well as expected.  Her cannula sites are open and still bleeding.  They have them packed like a good ole' cancer eye cow. (You Oregon folks would appreciate that, California, I will explain on Sunday)  Her INR (the blood thinning we worried about for months), is now too high at 2.1.  We used to want it between 2.5 and 3.5. Once they can get that level to 1.5 they can remove some of the tubes and central lines and the cannula bleeding should slow down.  She now gets daily breathing treatments, same one's Sierra received.   Still no 'Lindsey' personality yet, but she does want to know exactly what people are doing. She even wanted to push one of her IV meds but they wouldn't let her. Go figure.  Again this is all part of normal recovery, they say.

Dr Berstein came by just to see Sierra and Lindsey. He wanted to congratulate Lindsey and explain more about Sierra.  It was very nice of him to make the extra effort. He explained Sierra's situation, basically the same as before. But when you have the Department Head and Sierra's personal doctor who has been with us since the beginning talk with you outside of rounds, it just helps bring a sense of comfort and confidence to you. On Monday they will decide as team what and when they want to do treatments.

I think that's a wrap. The day is recorded, feeling shared, and I'm going home. Lindsey have a good night, call if you need, and well see you in the morning.
Berstein and his kids.
This video helps explain her heart disease, DCM.


Unknown said...

So neat to see the both hearts working and to see the improvement of her new one. Keeping you all in my prayers. I wish the donor family would be able to watch that video and see what a gift their loved one passed along. Praying that things turn around quickly for Sierra and your able to get back to Oregon ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Lindsey looks amazing!!!! We are so happy for her. Ava's kidneys forgot what to do also but somehow they suddenly remember. We are rooting for your girls here in Las Vegas. I know dr Bernstein will take amazing care of them and they are in fantastic hands!!! Give Lindsey and Sierra hugs from Ava and her family.

Jen said...

Sierra looks ADORABLE in that picture. That girl is an angel. She received some tough news today and she is still smiling and strong for her sister. She definetly gets her strength from her amazing parents.

I am glad Lindsey is still doing well and is continuing to progress. As always, THANK YOU for taking the time to update everyone. It is always nice to have a better idea of what specifically we can pray for.

Please know that we love you and we are here for you for ANYTHING. Hope you all get some much needed sleep.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, seeing LindseyLou & her new heart getting to know each other & getting along so well <3 We love you, lil princess :)
Sierra you are so adorable :) We are there w/you w/love & prayers, knowing this will only be a slow-up, so Lindsey can catch up w/you. Then, off you gals go! :D
Boys, Megan, you are awesome kiddoes! Mom & Dad, wow! Loves, hugs & prayers
<3 to <3
(now let's see if I can decipher our word :)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful sister sierra is. :). Come on Lindseys kidney you can do it! Thank you for sharing. God bless.

Sister Gilbert said...

Lindsey, we think you are an amazingly tough princess! As for Sierra, you are an incredible too! To see you with so much love and charity for your little sister, while you are going through your own struggles, is a lesson for all of us. Jason and Stacy, you have taught your children well. If I were anywhere in the country, I would be there helping anyway you wanted me to. We are praying with all of our energy for you. Love and prayers from Korea.
p.s. Trying to find a bale of hay here in Korea.

Anonymous said...

You are still in our thoughts and prayers! I have shared your story with so many via Facebook and Twitter, so many people you har never met and likely never will, are touched by you and praying for you! Sierra, you are such a sweet sweet girl who shows her own love and support throughout anything and everything, you at a tender age know true love! You are wise beyond your years and inspiring us all! You will get better soon, prayers are going out for you! Lindsay looks great and her body looks much better then what I have seen in my families own pedi transplant experience! You all hang in there and remember you are moving mountains daily, with faith, love and grace! God Bless this beautiful, loving family!

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

I am with Jen. Sierra is such a great big sister and guiding light! It's amazing what her mission is. She blazes the trail, and holds the hands of her sisters and brothers so they can walk an easier path. Who would have known all this back in 2006?
Lindsey, you made it!!!!
When the canola photos were posted earlier this week, all red and yucky I really was hoping their job would come to an end soon and said a little prayer. Every little prayer stacks up, doesn't it?
Oh.. go easy on Californians. There might not be any ranchers in Palo Alto, but they are out there! A drive up I5 90 miles north of Sacramento and you will be in business! (wink).

Anonymous said...

I applaud the staff at LPCH, the kindness, compassion, and their love and concerns for their patients is above and beyond many hospitals that I have encountered...and I'm sure the Bingham Seven love, faith, and inspiration has touched them in many ways. You guys are in the best place you could be and receiving the best care ever. Thank you Doctors and Nurses!!!! We pray today will be an another amazing day for Miss Lindsey Lou. As for Miss Sierra keep your chin up and we pray Monday will bring good news. Logan enjoyed a visit Megan and PK....sounded like they were enjoying their slumber party. I'm sure the boys had a blast with Liz and hoping that Stacy and you got lots of rest last night. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I pray your amazing story and the courage and strength you show in this struggle will lead people to want to find out how they too can have peace in the middle of such a storm. I will be honest, sometimes I do not know the words to pray. My words seem so inadequate for the challenging road you travel. But I know God already knows what you need. So I pray for strength, grace, peace, healing....and kidneys. I also pray that God uses this to bring people to Him through knowing you all.

Unknown said...

The start of a beautiful morning here in Eastern Oregon....continuing to hold ALL of you up in prayer, and thanking our gracious heavenly Father for the life of each one of you!! Mega dittos to everything everyone else has each are so special. Special prayers for Sierra and for Mon and Dad's strength, courage and calm today!!

rondacae said...

Thanks so much for sharing the videos! That is fascinating and so encouraging to see that healthy heart working away! In our thoughts and prayers constantly! :)
The Fritz's

bluee19 said...

Thank you so much for the updates/videos. I hope we can give you strength each second for what you and your family are going through.

I know as parents you would trade places with your kids so they don't have to feel the pain. My daughter is disabled but her organs are functional and when the time comes when she leaves this earth. I know I would want to donate her organs to save other children because I know those that get organ transplants love life to the fullest.

Take care,
Nicole from Rosemead, CA

p.s. I check for updates so many times throughout the day and please know you are all thought of. May the positive energy flow to you all.

Anonymous said...

Those videos are AWESOME!!! How cool to see a side-by-side! And how cute is Sierra? She is such an angel being there smiling and being strong for Lindsey! You guys are such an incredible example of getting through trials TOGETHER as a family! That is a rarity in this world- and you guys are the prime example that it can and should happen! Love you!

Unknown said...

It is so nice to see the difference, it explained ALOT.
Sierra I love you so much HUGS AND KISSES, XOXO your amazing!!!
Lindsey your looking so good :)
Love you all
Lacey, Bradey, Mason and lil man Korbyn

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for sharing with us the progress. Like I've said before I think your updates are kind of like therapy, maybe helping you cope, giving you an outlet..maybe...hopefully!
My prayers, of course are for Lindsey's progress but also now I am praying for 'The Team' that God will grant the wisdom and knowledge to find the best treatment they can for Sierra! I'm looking at it like Sierra is breaking grounds for the future (you know you guys are policy/protocol setters anyway, lol!). So that's my mission, to pray for an answer for Sierra's situation and continued steady progress with Lindsey! And mom and dad to get
rest for their bodies and brains! God bless you all! Prayers, love and hugs! M.

Anonymous said...

Folks in Powder can be found grouping together crying, laughing, checking out the latest on your posts all huddeled together. all continuing to stand in the gap for you all! You bring strength, encouragement, and .maintain a peace that comes from above. Keep going strong! We are praying!

Anonymous said...

wow - the before and after is amazing! i'm glad to hear that lindsey is doing well. i pray for the doctors to come up with a quick and effective plan for sierra so you guys can get home and start enjoying good health!

Anonymous said...

Those videos are amazing. That's a monster of a new heart if you don't mind me saying so and was definately worth waiting for! Congratulations on this huge moment and that things continue to improve.
