Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Feb 6, Day 232, Wednesday

Found out how Lindsey's other 'heart' friends are doing.  We went for a walk to the CVICU tonight and saw both of them there. Sergio had a blood clot that caused a stroke.  He is sitting up and looking good but this will definately set him back. He will have to start over again learning to walk. He had come so far too.  Our other friend, Lief, had a blood clot in his heart mate. They have changed his vad and he is recovering well. 

Remember Chloe, well she got ZERO on her last biopsy. We are so happy for them.  It has now been 2 months and they are getting close to going home. I guarantee it, it will be exciting and tough on our whole family when we see them go.

I saw my other kids for about 1/2 hour this morning. Stacy says they are doing good.

I am thinking later this month I might head back to Oregon for a few weeks. Tax season is really heating up, and with me working longer hours, Stacy could use a grandma or 2 to help shuffle kids around and keep Lindsey on the move.  I am really not much help to her (I'm usually not anyway) but tax season doesn't help.

However, tonight I did go to Megan's basketball 'Parent's Night'. This is where you get the schedule for the season and a list of other parents, kids, and the coach. There will be 10 games going through March 14. There are 10 kids on the team, and practices will be from 5:30 - 7:00 pm. (Ugh) That will be challenging getting her to/from practices.

Tomorrow Lindsey will get another dressing change to keep an eye on that infected left cannula. Hopefully it is not getting worse. They say she is still on the list. Every once in a while I just need to hear those words.

As always, thanks for the comments.  We are definately into a routine and doin' well.


  1. Here's to a positive looking dressing change and for the sites to look healthier. Wow, things will really be busy, busy, busy around there....perfect timing perhaps for a little surprise "Lindsey Day"!!! Glad to hear things are going well for your dear heart friends, a reminder to take each day one at a time. Thinking about you all. Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  2. I have learned so much about faith, hope and charity while watching how your little family valiantly marches through this challenge. Love and prayers for the Bingham family from Korea.
