Monday, February 4, 2013

Feb 4, Day 230, Nice fluid motion

Monday can be kind of rough for Linds. Weekly blood draw and dressing change. The blood draw is okay, it's the dressing change that isn't getting much easier. This time we noticed some redness around the left cannula (the good one). It was a nice way to put a little pit in your stomach. Since October her right side has looked gross, and now the left is starting down the path. It really was only a matter of time, and 220 days on the Berlin is plenty of time.

We haven't seen or heard from our 2 other heart friends. We assume they are in the CVICU, but don't know. Dina is still on 3 West but haven't seen her out of her room much.  Amanda comes by quite often. Her and Lindsey are becoming good friends.

Megan had her first basketball practice, Sierra has some sort of play practice (not exactly sure what that is), Linds is still reading through her letters from home,  Hunter and Gage are Hunter and Gage, my tax season is in full swing, and Stacy is keeping it all in a nice fluid motion.



  1. Poor kiddo. Sending prayers like alway. :)

  2. Hang in there you guys. Our whole family continues to ask for blessings for your family every time we pray.

  3. I am enjoying a quiet moment this evening (its only quiet because I have these massive head phones on that are trying to block out Jackson's loud horse neigh, his volume is pretty impressive but not always appreciated) reading your last two posts. How Firm a Foundation always gets me on the third verse, but particularly tonight. What beautiful words that I believe with all my heart, no matter the depth of our trials. It was great to see the mom getting pampered with all of her buffalo slaying she needs it! We sure love your family and pray often for you as I'm sure hundreds or more do every day. I say that to let you know the strength behind you even though many of us are far away. Chloe said the prayer tonight at supper and prayed that you would have strength, it was pretty sweet. As Matt said, hang in there. Oh, and "your almost teenagers" look like teenagers. Isn't Sierra technically one or very very close? Prayers for your heart friends who are not having as good of a week!

  4. Tonight at church our homily was about trusting in the Lord and how miracles will be delivered through healing....the message that was delivered felt amazing. It really hit home and brought tears of hope and belief to my soul.....and I know trusting in our Heavenly Father is the best thing we can all do and our prayers will be strengthened and that Lindsey will be healed by her miracle gifted perfect heart. Thinking of you each and enjoying your daily posts....even if not much has changed....each post brings happiness and warms my heart. Love you each and we will be praying for a fantastic week and that Stacy will continue to be the SUPERMOM that keeps all in check and going forward!! :) Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  5. Prayers keep coming your way. Lindsey is the most amazing girl for keeping a smile in spite of her 220 day journey. God bless your family and may you continue to stay strong . love , the Hamann's
