Friday, January 25, 2013

Jan 25, Day 220, Lindsey here

Lindsey here, Hi guys, hope you like our video.
Love you guys


  1. Hi Lindsey!

    I followed your orders and danced! Ill see you on monday. After I have that yucky test i told you about with all the pokes.

    Meghan Cleary

  2. Love, love, love Lindsey's positive attitude and jubilant spirit. What an inspiration! Thanks for sharing. Praying you'll be dancing in your own living room soon, Lindsey!

  3. Dear Lindsey Lou - I have to say I LOVE the dance party and seeing your spunky little video makes me REALLY miss you. I love the math problems and we will work on them Tuesday at school. Why don't I mail you your classmates responses? Plus, we can write to you again. No special paper this time though. :) There is a lot of math in that problem you posed to us! You know how I love math. We'll see if your classmates can figure out how many days are in each month, and how many days you have been seeing doctors and the two others since June 12th. Perhaps we can even estimate some answers before we even start solving the problem! Gosh - I'm so excited for this challenge! And thank you for posting your answers to my problems. There were so many more problems I thought of while I was in the hospital with my mom, but we'll save those for another day.

    I was thinking your art project picture does look like your brother. Your dad thought maybe Reece. Was your dad looking at the octupus and thinking that was Reece? Hee hee. We'll see if Reece reads this.

    You know - your dad took some pictures of our new cafeteria. There is a great article in the Baker City Herald tonight about our new cafeteria and our Food Corp worker named Miss Estrom. She is working with the 3rd graders teaching us about plants, healthy food, and composting! She's fantastic. We are starting to work with her weekly in our classroom. My point is back to the cafeteria - I have two fantastic ideas. Why don't we host a dance party when you return? It could be for the elementary students and we can dance our crazy socks off! I love dancing and I think this would be so much fun! Are you game?

    My second idea is to work on buying some roller skates for our school. That cafeteria is so huge I think it would be a perfect set up for a roller rink when we are not enjoying the fantastic food in there. Doesn't that sound like a blast???

    I miss you and pray for you daily! Give your sisters a hug for me and your brothers a couple of high fives! Love - Mrs. Smith

  4. We enjoyed the video and were surprised to see so much energy contained in one room. Thanks for sharing!
    - The Andrew Family

  5. That was a nice video. You Lindsey look FABULOUS.

    I love how Hunter walks in front of Lindsey and he is paying attention to her cords.

  6. NovaLee here your dance was so cute. I miss you so much.

  7. Absolutely LOVED the video. Can't wait until I can show it to Cara! Love you all! Karen Brock

  8. LOVE the video Lindsey Lu!! It is so fun to actually see the "world" you are living in!

  9. I love you Lindsey! You make so many lives happy with your energy and contagious smile! I love how kind and polite you are to your little brothers and the way you all create so much fun in such a small space. You are continually in our families' prayers! Create a beautiful Sabbath tomorrow!

  10. Wow Lindsey! Great video. I love your dancing and Hunter and Gage are awesome in the background. It is wonderful to see how healthy and "groovin" you look. I love your happy confident personality and the fun way you look at life. It is amazing what a blessing the Berlin heart is! You have great energy and a very bright spirit. It is so good to see you and your family. We were fasting for you...and continue to pray for you and your family! love, Dean & Dawnie

  11. Super neat video Lindsey and Gage and Hunter... Wowsers! You're awesome dancers. So, do you have any answers yet to the math problem? Take care! We love you! Phil and Judy
