Saturday, January 26, 2013

Jan 26, Day 221, Saturday

Lindsey and the boys sure had a good time with the video. We will definitely do that again sometime soon. We came up with a creative math problem, we will run it by Mrs. Molly Smith and the class tomorrow.

As for today, Megan and Sierra did well in their Lightning Basketball game. We made 2 trips to the CVICU to visit Dina. She should be up here to 3 West Monday or Tuesday.  We spent some time with Lief and his family flying remote control helicopters. They are another good family waiting for a heart. He is 9, but a lot bigger than Linds. He has been waiting since late November.  Liz came over so Stacy and I could go out. We watched Skyfall and went out for dinner. Thanks Liz, very nice of you to watch the crew.

Tonight was Wendy's last day on 3 West. She is returning to southern California to finish school and move on. She was a fun night nurse to have.

 Nurse Wendy and Lindsey after the going away party

 Lindsey, Lief (her new friend) and Sunshine, his mother.

 Dina, post transplant 3 days.


  1. Dina looks GREAT! So happy things are going well for her! I love how Lindsey is the resident Visiting Teacher! What a blessing she is to all the other kids. Loved the video. Hunter is definitely a little Jason! Lindsey looks so healthy and happy, who would know if not for the big machine she pulls along. I love hearing about all the kids and their families and its always so exciting when they get their new heart. Glad you and Stacy were able to get out for some couple time. So important! There are so many good people in your lives willing and ready to help out with whatever is needed. What a blessing people can be to each other, just as Heavenly Father wants it!

  2. Your last couple post have brought such joy and happiness... thank you for finding the bright moments in your daily life and to update the blog . By doing so you build such confidence in so many each an "I CAN DO IT" attitude. Thank you. It's simply amazing to see how wonderful Dina is doing post transplant. Wow! And great to see Lindsey bringing joy to so many other luves....I wonder where she gets those great traits from?!?! She has two very special and unbelievably loving parents for that! Keep doing guys...and keep going strong!!! Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  3. P.S. Thank you Liz for giving Jason and Stacy a much needed date!!! You are awesome!!!
