Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Nov 28, New office space

Thank goodness a heart didn't come today. Lindsey would have had to walk herself to the operating room.  Busy day for everyone.

Stacy took Gage to his doctor's appointment.  It was a 'regular' doctor's appointment, not a heart doctor.  Nothing major to report, they want to do a blood draw to test one of his levels. He still has an occasional nagging cough but is feeling and acting a lot better. Really the only time he coughed was in Lindsey's room.  Then we get these nasty dirty looks from the nurses, and I don't blame them. I guess Stacy and Gage waited 3 hours before they saw him.  I don't understand how an office can do that to their patients. If I have a client waiting for me and it's going to be THREE HOURS I might let them know. Just a thought. Stacy was ticked and still is!

I went to my new office space today. Shawn Hansen has arranged for me to have office space at his attorney's office on the other side of Stanford. Very nice of him and the firm to allow me somewhere I can set up shop, spread my work out, and really focus on my accounting work.  I continue to be humbled by the acts of kindness we have received.  Thanks Shawn.

I worked until about 4:30 then headed back to the hospital and met up with all the kids. Sierra had/has a mountain of homework.  Stacy has spent the entire afternoon with her helping with various assignments. So, because of all this Lindsey spent most of the day by herself.  She was surprisingly in a good mood thanks to good nurses that keep her going while we are away.

Rained hard today. I love the rain. When I see rain, I see green grass, which grows, which feed cattle, which helps with cattle prices, so it's all good.

Today Juan from the RMH wanted to visit with one of us, so Stacy headed down. At first she thought we had done something wrong but he wanted to ask for our assistance. He told her that this Friday is a huge fund raiser event in San Jose for the RMH Charities. He was wanting a family to share their story and how the RMH has helped. So guess what.  If we understand correctly, this Friday at 2:00 I am going to the HP Pavilion in San Jose to give a 5-8 minute talk about our family. Now the HP Pavilion is where the Sharks play hockey and where we went to watch Van Halen and AC/DC (those concerts were so awesome... rock on!) Anyway, it's big!  I'm guessing there must be a smaller convention center not thee Pavilion but we will find out more tomorrow.  Whatever and whereever it is, there will be a lot of big shots with big bucks there, so Bingham, don't screw it up. Tomorrow I will be working on my little presentation in the quiet of my fancy new office.

At the same time, Friday at 2:00, Stacy will be here with Lindsey as they venture to the Stanford Atrium for the first time in months to watch the Enchanted Toyshop Ballet.  We talked whether I should be here, but we feel this is an opportunity to help the Ronald McDonald House.  They help us in so many ways, this is our chance to help give back.  Lindsey was a bit disappointed, but there will be plenty of times to walk down there. 

By the way, Doctor's rounds with Lindsey these days are pretty short. She is doing fantastic and just waiting for that perfect 'O' negative heart.  She has gained over 15 lbs since those horrible pictures in early July. Still no appetite, but I can hear the feeding tube pump working away behind me.


  1. Hi, It is so good to hear that things are going well for your family. Isn't modern medicine wonderful? Fifteen pounds is quite a bit of weight to gain, especially without an appetite. Isn't it also wonderful that there are good people in the world? Keep up the good work and good luck with the Friday activities!

  2. What a lift it was for us today to read your blog. We are so grateful that Lindsay is doing so well. we continue to pray for you all, and pray that Gage will get over this coughing issue quickly. That is an added stress you all don't need. It warm our hearts to hear of all the many wonderful folks who are sustaining you with acts of kindness and caring. We are excited for this opportunity for Jason to speak in behalf of RMH. We will support you in this effort with our prayers and good thoughts.

    Here is a knock, knock joke for Mom and Dad:

    Knock, Knock.
    Who's there?
    Goliath Who?
    Goliath down - Thou looketh tired.

    Love and Prayers, Dale and Mike Olsen

  3. So fun to read this blog. Sorry I don't comment more often. Jason, you will do great at the fund raiser. You have a way of making things real and personal and that will help. Yay! for Lindsey!!!!!!!!! I am SO EXCITED for you to go to the ballet. You are going to have so much fun.
    The work of patience is paying off! Yay for prayers being answered.

  4. I must admit that I skim comments for jokes because they are hilarious! I saw a funny comment, I don't know if it is a joke, from Tom Isaacson. "I am super lazy today, which is like normal lazy but I'm also wearing a cape." That made me giggle. Also posted by Erin Thompson (and this is for Stacy) "I may not be skinny but I'm freaking awesome and that is basically the same thing." Love and miss you guys. Jason-if you are in the same place as the concerts try not to replay them in your head, you may find yourself in "rock on" mode and do your own little concert before you remember what you are there for:)

  5. Hilary, thanks for the added humor (laughing thinking about the cape, too) and the great thoughts of Jason rockin' out....and then front of everyone!!! That would be humorous. That is so great of you guys to be willing to give back to the RMH, just another way you are an inspiration. Thank you! Good luck and may some big donations come in for such a wonderful cause! I am so excited that Lindsey gets to venture over to the Stanford side for some good entertainment. Praying for a smooth day tomorrow for Sierra and her treatments. I thought about you guys quite a little bit when our power went out at about 1:30 a.m. and then didn't get restored until after 7:00 this a.m (something blew at the pole).....I was really wanting to whine about the super cold house and then thought, "wow, how selfish is that!" :) I thank you each for always looking at life and situations on the positive side of things and not let the lows get me too low!!! Love and miss you guys. Enjoy your evening...loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo
