Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Nov 27, Stacy is back / The Walk policy

Amazing, but Lindsey had a great day. After not getting to sleep until 11:45 last night, I thought she would be a bear today. She had a great day at school, ate outside downstairs by the fountain, and had fun at PT. Gage is feeling a lot better.  We have kept him under lock down in his room but this afternoon, he is doing better. Stacy came over around 5:30 and Lindsey gave her a huge hug.

I took the kids to Sierra and Megan's basketball practice. That is good for all of us. Really good for Stacy and Lindsey to have a little Mother Daughter time. They were both needing it.

Friday is the day we will finally be able to walk to the Stanford side. What they want to establish is how far can a Berlin kid walk in 15 minutes from her room.  However far Lindsey can go in the hospital in 15 minutes will be the perimeter for the hospital policy.  It actually makes sense, 15 there and 15 back for a total of 30 minutes on batteries. For liability reasons she can't go over the 30 minutes even though everyone knows the batteries can last for over an hour.  Since Lindsey is so active and healthy she will help establish the policy standard for the maximum distance for all Berlin kids at LPCH (that's kinda cool isn't it).  So Linds and I decided we are going to have our running shoes on, Hunter and Gage holding the elevators, the girls clearing traffic, and Mommy picking up anything that falls off the Berlin. We figured if she hurried, she could walk to the RMH in the 15 minutes. Not sure they would buy off on that. Joking aside we will walk at a 'normal' pace in the hospital and see where we end up.

On Friday, there is a musical dance theatre performing in the Stanford Atrium.  We have been using this to help move along the policy. Remember the patience... that's right!

With Gage feeling better, Stacy will be here more, and I am going to start working out of an office starting tomorrow. In preparing for the upcoming busy tax season, I hope this works out.

Thanks for the 'Sunbeam' story. We all thought it was cute.

 Lindsey and Shannon, her nurse, playing around during lunch.

 Lindsey doing her 'Old Lady' act at PT
 A little yoga, Warrior One

Drama Queen
 Practicing her Princess entrance on the stairs.


  1. Yay, so glad yesterday was a turning point! Lindsey must have known in her heart that Gage would finally feel better and that Stacy would be able to come for a visit!!! It was nice to hear that yesterday was a positive day for all. Excited about moving forward on the berlin policy, that will allow Lindsey to see some new scenery. Jason, hope all goes well with the new working conditions and I am sure it will be nice to work out of an office space that will provide room with good internet service! I will be thinking and praying for Gage and for a positive doctor appointment. Here's to another great day....filled with happiness and blessings. loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo
    P.S. Love all the pictures, they make me smile knowing what great happiness little Lindsey can bring and how she can really light up a room. Also love the fact that she was able to practice her Princess entrance using the stairs, what a nice change of pace for her!

  2. They need to call the policy Lindsay's Policy! I love it! I love you guys. As always, you inspire me and remind me of the most important aspects of life!

  3. A Joke to brighten your day!

    President Monson had just finished giving a talk at BYU and was being driven by limousine back to Salt Lake City.

    President Monson had never driven a limo before, so he asked the chauffeur if he could drive for a while. Well, the chauffeur didn't have much of a choice, so he climbs in the back of the limo and lets President Monson takes the wheel.

    President Monson turns on to I-15 and decides to accelerate a bit and see how fast he can go. The limo easily gets up to 70 without any problems, then 80, then 90, and finally, it hits 100 MPH.

    As he pulls around the Point of the Mountain, however, the limo passes a speed trap.
    President Monson sees the flashing lights in his rear-view mirror, pulls to the shoulder, and waits for the Utah Highway patrol officer to come to the window.

    The officer looks in, and says, "Please hold on for a minute." He then returns to his car and radios in, asking to speak with the chief.

    He tells the chief, "I just pulled over someone who is REALLY important and I need to know what to do."

    The chief replies, "It's not the Mayor again, is it?"

    The officer replies, "No, even more important."

    "It isn't the Governor, is it?"

    "Nope, keep going...", replies the officer.

    Well, WHO is it!?", demands the chief.

    "I don't know for sure. But he's got the prophet for a chauffeur!"

    We keep you all in our daily prayers. With Love, Dale and Mike Olsen
