Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sept 25, Brainstorming the 15 beat V-tach

What a trooper. She was in a good mood for both of her pokes last night.  I was tired and cranky for both pokes.
At 6:00 am, she had a 15 beat V-tach at a heart rate of about 160. That has everyone's attention.  They rounded early this morning to discuss Lindsey's arrhythmia's, and frankly the jury is split.  Thank goodness she still feels and acts good, her vad is still filling however it was a bit sluggish during the 10 seconds of V-tach (irregular heart beats).  They admitted, it is very uncommon to have someone on a Berlin and have these irregular heart beats.  So now they are brain storming for options and have included us in that brain storm (which felt kinda weird).  Some options they are considering is a cardiac catheritazation, she had this just before she was put on the list. Basically it is a biopsy of the right side to look inside the heart, take some measurements, possibily get some answers, or just rule out any possible causes.
Other options include additional oral or IV medicines.  We told the team we will fight to keep her on the 3rd floor, until she shows signs of sickness or vad issues, we think she should stay here. They are trying to rule out whether this problem is being caused by the right side of the heart or if it is something else (whatever that is).  However, if it is not the right side of the heart, then that rules out some treatments that they might try, that would not be necessary, one of them being an IV medication she would have to go to the CVICU to be started on.  Thus, we are leaning a little more to the cathiterization to rule out unecessary treatments and get some answers.  These rhythms are slowly starting to get a little longer and more frequent.  Thus the more concerning part for all of the doctors.

She did get the shots changed.  They are now at 3:00 in the afternoon and morning, with a blood draw at 7:00 am and pm.  She almost sleeps through the shots, so we are a lot more happier with these times. So, all in all, Lindsey is still doing well.  She is acting great and is back to her little "bossy" and "motherly" self.  ESPECIALLY when it comes to Hunter.  It's a love - hate relationship. Thank you all for your words of encouragement.  Also, for the many thoughtful fundraisers in Lindsey's behalf.


  1. Well 'rats'....I say to those irregular beats that are just uncalled for! That was nice of the doctors to include the number one fans on discussions. Jason way to go on being persistent for the poke times to be adjusted....she is definitely a trooper indeed! Happy to hear they aren't shipping her down to cvicu quite yet, but yet comforting to know theres options out there that may keep it temporary if need be. Just hard to take that idea/option knowing that she feels so well. Keep it up and keep in pace with the highs and the lows. Our thoughts and prayers are with Linsdey throughout the day and night. Loves, hugs, and prayers that The Heavenly Father will continue to answer prayers, protect Linsdey, and guide the doctors--xoxoxoxo

  2. I had a thought the other day. If her heart only throws those extra beats at night. Could it be because her body is relaxing? She is resting at those times.

    I wonder if she was still and down during the day if the heart will do the irregular beats too.

    I am so glad she is in good spirits.

  3. I double rat that! It is nice of them to include you guys in on the discussion, thank you, Lord for that!
    We'll keep praying for the wisdom they need and God's guidance to fix what needs fixing! God bless you all! Here's to a good day!

  4. Well I missed your birthday party Hunter, drats! it seems like it was a good one! Good job Meg on the game! Good job Jason and Stacy on getting Lindsey's pokes changed to a better time!! Lindsey I thought about you when I went to the doctor and thought just how brave you are. We love you all and loved "seeing" you the other day. Sierra you will have to model your new birthday outfit! Keanna was ecstatic to hear she would be seeing both Megan and Sierra this weekend!
    love you much Em

  5. I have such an appreciation for Lindsey's strength! I had blood drawn on Monday, which didn't seem too bad but yesterday? I had my first 'poke' in my hand to hook up an IV for a surgery. Gosh! THOSE HURT! The nurse kept apologizing about the whole 'smacking' my hand to find a vein, etc. and sticking that darn needle in and hooking up the hardware. All I could think was 'I am only doing this once, Lindsay does it daily'. xxxooo
