Monday, September 24, 2012

Sept 24, Hunters #6 Birthday

Same ole same ole for Lindsey.  Basically doing great, just watching the crazy beats.  A bit sleepy after her late night of Wacky 6 with her nurse.

Hunter was pretty excited about his #6 birthday.  Had his favorite breakfast this morning, Stacy took cupcakes to his school, and had a party in the Sabroto room at the hospital for him. The pictures will tell all. 

Megan had her 2nd volleyball game this evening, They won but it wasn't pretty.

Just found out tonight she has to get a blood thinner shot at 1:00 am then a blood draw at 5:00 am to test the level. Really?  Sometimes I think the young new doctors get wrapped up looking at the numbers and following the protocol they forget about the patient.  I have fought this one pretty hard for a 3:00 am shot and 7:00 blood draw, but no. grrrr.  So if you are out there not sleeping well tonight just think about getting 2 pokes along with hourly vad checks and monitoring.  Ya know, she is so dang tough she will probably sleep through most if it.   Really I can't complain.  When I look back at pictures from July 4, she is doing wonderful.   


 Lindsey and Chloe.  Chloe finally came back from ICU and has been on the Berlin for about 6 weeks.



  1. Sorry to hear lindsey will not have a quiet night, or at least you won't. You and stacey are such incredible parents, I'm sure the young pup drs don't like having to deal with you standing up for your princess! Who ever said parenting was easy! We enjoyed a nice rain here yesterday that settled the dust and the smoke. Prayers to your family. God bless! The Hamann's

  2. Happy birthday Hunter! We sure miss you.

  3. Happy birthday, Hunter! Liking your favorite breakfast :)
    I'm having to Lindsey up here lately as I got a nasty owie over the weekend and it hurts! So I always think of you, Lindsey and grit my teeth saying it's nothing compared to all your pokes! Thanks for teaching me how to be strong! I was even awake about the time you got your shot and offered my pain for yours.
    Good job on the volleyball, Megan! I know how much you enjoy it :)
    Have a great day all! God bless and keep you in His care :) M.

  4. I love the Iron Man Action Figure! Happy Birthday Hunter! With the highs come the lows. I hope Lindsey was a champ through all her nightly checks. Missing you all today! Aunt G

  5. Happy birthday Hunter. So glad Lindsey has a strikeforce fighting for her.

  6. Hunter, I hope your birthday was a great one. Wow, you are already SIX!! Hold on for a few days and I'll give you a big birthday hug! Sure do love ya.

  7. Wow, Hunter is already six! Yay! We sure wish you a Happy Birthday. You look so great in all of the pictures. Lindsey you are one tough cutie...I love the pic next to your little friend with the Berlin. Megan you go and show em your stuff! Loves to Sierra and Gage too.
    You are an amazing family.
