Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sept 22, Ward Party

11:40 pm
Another par day for Lindsey. Doctors still flirting with sending her to the CVICU with all the pvc's, and V-tach's, but not today.  She is still having the crazy heart beats, but is also feeling the VAD well, good attitude, and took several good walks (which is why she is still on 3 West).

Sierra had her friend, Nori, over to the RMH for a little birthday party. Nori is a good friend from church who also goes to Jordan.

 Had fun skyping today.  That sure lifts Lindsey's spirits.

We were very impressed and humbled by Aunt Bonnie's story regarding a donor family in Utah. I can't imagine how tough that must have been.  What a tough situation to be in. 

We went to the church party tonight.  That was fun to mingle and get to know some of the ward members.  But when we are both away from Lindsey it is hard to really relax and let go.  Always wondering how she is doing. Is her VAD filling? How is the RV function? Any V-tach's? Are they sending her to the ICU?  Did she go on a walk? How is her tummy feeling? Any fevers?  Any clots?  Any of the other stuff? It is really hard to not worry and just have faith.  We HAVE to be positive and upbeat around her! I honestly don't know how Lindsey can be in such good spirits sometimes.  I know I have said this before, but she NEVER gets a break from this stuff.  Dragging around the Berlin, the pokes, the monitors and alarms, the tube in her nose, the constant inching of the cannula sites, the hourly checks, the burden of eating, it never goes away.  Sometimes I am so impressed with her attitude.  If she wants me to stay here with her, then dadgumit I'm going to stay.  Like we all say now, 'We are one day closer'. I just pray Lindsey can hang on in such good physical and emotional strength until the Lord has prepared the donor family.

I still can't thank you enough for your sincere prayers, thoughts, concern, love and support.  It is definitely a strength to Stacy and I.


  1. Hopng we give you strength through our words is easy compared to what your doing. Thank you for letting us.
    Sounds like you had a busy day, glad you were able to get out for a bit. Lindsey is a trooper, that's for sure! What a wonderful role model and inspiration for others :)
    Good Sunday to you! God bless and keep you close to His most precious heart! M.

  2. Create a beautiful day Lindsey; you are such an inspiration to me and my family. I just became a grandma; my first little granddaughter. I pray she is as brave and pleasant as you are as she grows up! You are my hero!

    P.S. I live in Nibley, UT. I read about your blog several weeks ago and have been following it ever since. My name says "Mimi" because that is what my three little adopted grandchildren (some good friends of ours) call me. Cadence is 6, Cooper is 4, and Remington just turned a year old. My new little granddaughter's name is Bethany!

  3. Hey Lindsey! Sorry I missed your phone call yesterday! I was sooo sad! I hope you have a good day. I need help putting up my fall decorations. I wish you were here to help me put them up.Actually I wish you were here to entertain Uncle Seth while I put them up! Hee Hee! I pray for you every morning and night! Dream BIG!!!!! Love Aunt Garrity

  4. Thinking of all of you daily. Each one of you is amazing!

  5. Hoping and praying that your Sunday was blessed with a peaceful day of regular beats for Lindsey!! She amazes me by her tenacity to prove that she is feeling way to good to be revisiting cvicu any time soon. Keep it up little superstar!! And perhaps Lindsey should be making those Doctors do a few more pushups for just mentioning that dreaded word 'cvicu'!!! :) would love seeing their face expression at that request and/or demand!
    Jason and Stacy, you guys are amazing parents and the love you give each one of your kiddos is greatest gift you can ever give. Keep being Lindsey's ROCK and cheering her on all the way. We love and admire both of you, as you have been a great inspiration of how to handle the challenges of life. Always believe in each day is one day closer. Loves, hugs, and many prayers--xoxoxoxo

  6. Sounds busy there. So glad the two of you were able to go to the ward party. The Primary Program was today. Stacy, you would have been so proud of them. They spoke so clearly and sang like little angels. It rained a little here today, maybe that will help clear the intense smoke. Thinking and praying for you always. Kay
