Friday, September 21, 2012

Sept 21, For now, she stays.

9:30 pm
First of all, we still don't know how to adequately thank our friends back home in Oregon, family and friends in Cache Valley, and friends everywhere else.  We enjoy and gain strength from every letter and posting to our blog.  The continued generosity is still very over whelming.  It is such a support to Stacy and I and the kids to have the family and friends we do.  We long for the day when we can return to our home in Eastern Oregon. Thank you very much for your sincere prayers, comments, love, gifts, and support.

So we had quite a scary roller coaster this morning. Of course the Berlin alarm went off several times last night. That's what I get for mentioning it last night. At 7:12 this morning she had a small run of the V-Tach, which are irregular fast heart beats.  These are the dangerous ones.

At first they told us Lindsey needed to go back down to the CVICU, start a picc line and start the IV Milrinone.  This is the heavy duty IV med that helps with the squeeze of the heart.  There were a lot of tears and emotion in our room.  Lindsey knew what that meant and didn't want to go. It really broke my heart.   Remember we are 'only' concerned (yah right) with the right side of her heart (RV), the left side is supported by the Berlin. The RV's job is to receive blood from the body and pump it to the lungs and then to the left side where the Berlin pushes it on from there. If the RV fails then the lungs don't get blood and the Berlin VAD pump doesn't 'fill' with blood.  That is why they check hourly to see if the VAD is filling.

Later this morning Doctors Yeh and Ashwin, heart failure doctors, came by to discuss all this with us. Since Lindsey looks and acts so good, meaning she is walking and exercising, breathing okay, keeping food down, no tummy aches or fevers, no swelling in her feet, they don't see the need to pull her off the 3rd floor, start a picc line (subject to infection and fevers) and start her on a heavy IV medicine. 

So for now, she stays. Back to school, PT, etc. They will watch and monitor the pvc's, pump alarms and v-tach's.  We support Lindsey and pray for her strength, the Dr's wisdom, and the donor family.  We were all very relieved to be staying!  But this just shows us how fragile this situation is. It really wouldn't take much for her to end up in the CVICU on a 2nd Berlin pump to support the right side. May the Lord bless the Drs with wisdom.

Hi! lyndi, how ar you doing are you haveing fun ther. I miss you Bingham family alote.


  1. I just can't tell you how I wait and wait for you new update everyday. On Tuesday when I was getting my hair cut I was listening to a lady talking about her 4 year old daughter that had been hit by a car and was in Primary Childrens Hospital for 4 days getting worse every minute, when they told them she was not going to make it and could they donate her organs? This woman (was crying and so was I) I said DID YOU?? she said she had never thought about this before. But then said take what you can (this little girl was hurt really bad, they could only took 1 kidney and some tissus is all they could use.. This lady was so strong telling us this. I said to her, you just don't know what I have to tell you, I told her what was happening in your family.. I told her your Whole story and she could not belive it and I thanked her for being a donor (I wanted to give her a huge) I told her to go home and hug her other 4 kids. She said they felt really good about their decision. So we keep praying that more familys will make the hardest decission of their life, to give life to others.

  2. Oh Bonnie, we will pray for that families' strength, peace, and comfort. What an amazing gift.....they were still able to give and a blessing for them to know their sweet baby girl saved others is so special and beyond priceles. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.
    What an awful roller coaster ride today has been. And how heart breaking it is for Lindsey to have to go back to cvicu....she sure broke mine with sadness the day we got there and she had to go back.:( The hardest part is knowing and seeing how well she feels and is doing is still quite different than what her precious heart is doing. She is so tough and amazing, and quite possibly the most inspirational little Princess ever!!! I'm thinking she's allowed to have one off day here and there, but lets keep those bright and shiny days coming.
    Made it home from the Powder football game...lost by a sad 4 points (30-34) to Notus by giving up a last minute (and I mean last minute) touchdown. :( The boys played great...just too bad there wasn't a homecoming victory for them. We'll continue our prayers asking for all of the listed above. Loves, hugs, and many prayers--xoxoxoxo--and may tonight be more peaceful with steady beats.

  3. Continued strength and prayers for all of you. Praying for that all important phone call and peace for the donor family.

  4. Good morning! I sure hope it is especially after your past day, roller coaster, indeed!
    What a story from Bonnie! God bless that family for their happy they could help someone in their time if sadness...
    I get a pit in my stomach when I read a blog like this one, praying as I keep reading that it won't be bad news. The pit usually stays and is a reminder during the day to keep your needs in my constant conversation with God and it makes me keep it real! God bless you!
    You are such a fantastic example of faith, trust, strength, courage, love, the list goes on and on!
    Thank you for what you teach others if/when we listen! You are always thankful to see what blessings you are given during this journey! Prayers for your needs :) Hope you enjoy a good weekend and your football games go well, lol!

  5. Lindsey thanks again for your video we loved it!! Lyndi gave me a big smile and said "she wifh us." and then gave me a big hug. I am sure that hug and smile was intended for you so we are sending hugs and smiles through the internet.

    Lyndi says "gank you,ride bikes for Lindsey, ride bikes. I lobe (love) you and I miss you. and be nice and not be mean."

    Ayla "I love you. I hope that you would feel better. and have a heart.Be good at the class."

    Keanna "Hello Lindsey I really miss you, and I`ll miss you even more at deer camp. I want to skype with you more. Do you have Email acount? I want to send you more leters.Where are you on Plants V.S. Vobies at the night, day, pool, fog, or roof? I really miss you and want to see you agian.

  6. Sure hope today is a good day. I too will pray for the the family who lost their precious little girl. Our garden is finished and we just have pears and a few tomatoes left to can. As I'm pealing those pears I keep thinking, Stacy would love to be doing this, and it makes it go a little faster. So proud of all of you and praying your priceless gift arrives soon. Love, Kay

  7. We continue our prayers for you all, your doctors and especially for the donor family. I hope your roller coaster is having an UP day.

    Yesterday when I got to Baker Valley for the Primary program practice, there was so much smoke you couldn't even tell that Baker Valley was a valley! There isn't even a sun up now, just smoke.

    We love you and miss you! Phil and Judy

  8. What an amazing girl that Lindsey is! That video--so simple, but very inspiring.
