Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sept 13, Back to 3 West, We're Outta Here!

11:00 pm.  Stacy here.
Lindsey was finally able to go up to the third floor today.  I went to go pick her up from school (already knowing she was moving), she looked at me all bright eyed and said, "Mom, I am going up to 3 west today!" To say she was excited is an understatement. The 3 West crew was even nice enough to put us back in our old room.  It is the biggest and best room up there, we are spoiled.

Her heart is still throwing a lot of extra beats.  The EP (Electro Physiology) team said that as long as her heart rate isn't going faster during those runs of extra beats and she does not feel them, then she is fine.  I don't think Jason and I, or the nurses and nurse practitioners from 3 West, were greatly comforted by this.  She hasn't had a run of V-tach but she is still having LOTS of PVC's and some 6-7 in a row making her Berlin alarm like crazy.  BUT, if they are fine with it and feel they can adjust things upstairs, then we are fine with that.  She is still acting great and the Berlin is filling and emptying fine.  As long as both of those keep up, they are not concerned.  It is really hard seeing these irregular heart rhythms and knowing we are still (statistically) only half way into our waiting time. Lets hope that the right side of her heart hangs in there and she won't eventually have to go back and get a right side pump as well.

We had the wonderful treat of seeing Ronda and Shane Fritz this afternoon.  They came and sat with Lindsey and the kids while Jason and I stepped out to do some grocery shopping.  I know women, eat your heart out, it's everyone's "ideal" date.  We did get to talk and hold hands while we shopped, that was nice.  With school tomorrow we didn't want to stay out too long.  Thank you so much Shane and Ronda, I wish you could have stayed longer so we had more time to visit.  We really appreciate you coming!!

Lindsey leaving the CVICU, with Andrea, the nurse on 3 West she is always prank calling.

Back to our fun floor - 3 West


  1. Such great news to hear! I love all your reports of favorite nurses or specialists and they ways they reach out to you and Lindsey in such personal ways. They must really be 'angels with skin on' to do that kind of work.

    Also glad to hear that you know how to make grocery shopping into a date! We do that too! :-)

    Big hugs and loads of prayers...
    Teacher Karen

  2. Yahoo for 3 West! Do you still get to see Prince Charming? :-) Lindsey was the topic of Roper and Keanna's vocab story this week. it was quite an adventure! Thanks for the continued updates! Continued prayers for you all! Dana

  3. Awesome news....way to go Lindsey!!! I am sure you were so excited to be able to travel back to 3 West and even get your room back....since it is literally known as "YOUR" room! Happy they left it open just for your arrival. Hope you are able to enjoy more of the freedom and being able to eat together again is such a great treat. We will continue to pray for those irregular heart beats to dissipate and leave for good. We sure do miss you guys...glad to be surrounded by the rest of the Bingham kiddos at school to help out with missing your kiddos!! :) Tell Sierra that helping her with her school work was way nicer than helping my own...they get too crabby too quickly!! Thanks again for letting us come be apart of your family while Jason went home. And Jason thanks for making that red shine on my pickup, unfortunately its already looking pretty living on our dirt road! :) loves, hugs, and prayers to each of you XOXOXOXO

  4. Hooray for the third floor!!!!! So glad you could have a HOt date to the grocery store! LOve ya! em and Justin family

  5. Congrats, Lindsey!! This is great news.

  6. 3 West Dance Baby! That is what I am doing! Love Aunt G
