Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sept 12, Still in the CVICU

9:50 pm.
Still here in the ICU. Clinically she looks and acts as good as ever.  She went to both sessions of school, a good 6 lap walk, on full feeds, eating a bit on her own, no fevers or tummy aches, no clotting, and has a good attitude.  Her heart thinks otherwise.  She has had at least 3 V-Tach's today, meaning a group of fast irregular heart beats that last for about 15-20 beats.  She is also still have numerous pvc's or random irregular beats that last for 3-6 beats.  The 3 medicines so far haven't stopped them.  They have started a new medicine tonight and will see how tonight goes.  They keep saying we may go to the 3rd Floor tomorrow, but I have my doubts.

Stacy and I need to have a good 'heart-to-heart' (no pun intended) with a heart rhythm doctor to explain her situation. Between school, kids, work and running around we seem to have missed the doctors on their rounds.  That won't happen tomorrow.  If she continues to have the funky rhythms and the Berlin alarm goes off and we still can't go up to the 3rd Floor, we will want a good explanation. 

Slept in the 3 chair combo last night. Not tonight! I have been prepping her to sleep solo tonight so I can escape The 3 Chair Combo.

Sierra has her first real test in math on Friday, and Megan is trying out for the Jazz band tomorrow.

Right now her heart is acting perfectly, no pvc, so who knows. 

All I really know is we are on day 85 of the transplant list, 75 days on the Berlin, 6 days in the ICU and 1 day closer to the transplant!

A few fun pictures.

 This is Jerry who does the respiration therapy on kids.  Our girls have fallen in love with his wavy hair.  His hair reminds us of Prince Charming on Shrek! He is a good sport and makes it fun for the kids.   Lindsey was trying to sing, 'One Direction' to him, but her nerves got the best of her.
 This is her 3 West room patiently waiting for her.
 Stacy finally gave in and let the boys 'watch a movie'.
 This is Kimberly from the 3rd floor.  She came down to give Lindsey a gift and told her how much she misses taking care of her.  She is one of Lindsey's favorite nurses.  It was very nice of her to come down and visit.

 Lindsey, Logan and Gage. Sure nice of Logan and Betsy to be here.  It's good they finally got home. I guess they had to spend the night in Las Vegas on a layover.
   More Lindsey singing to Jerry aka Prince Charming. Way cute!

Here is the live clip of the famous pushups


  1. Keeping everyone in my prayers and hoping her turn comes up quickly. I hope they find out what's going on soon. Boy does he look like Shreck.

  2. Love this post, hopefully you get a good nights sleep. Love the quilt on her bed on the 3 West. Still praying every minute of every day for your whole family.

  3. It sounds like you are surrounded by amazing people down there. I have a hunch that the Bingham children are favorites among the staff. It is not everyday they get to see tough Eastern Oregon kids! God bless your family, you ate in our thoughts and prayers at all times. Love, the Hamann's. Jason, my computer was asking for the secret code the other day, I behaved and pretended like I didn't know it. :) take care!

  4. Keeping you in our prayers. Kids never miss praying for Lindsey and Gage. I didn't get to talk to you when you were home, but it was good seeing you. Hoping you'll all be back to enjoy that firewood!


  5. It's nice to see the smiles and hear the laughter. Sounds like she's getting the best-of-best care down there! -Lisa Britton

  6. Lindsey you look really good. We will miss you and Megan tomorrow at Activity Days.

    I hope Megan makes the Jazz band

  7. Wow Lindsey I LOVE those push ups!! I think you, your Mom and your sisters need to come help whip me into post baby shape. I don't know you just might be a drill sergeant and over exhaust me!! Maybe the 5 of you kids could work on the new direction song and sing it to Prince Charming and make a little movie for the rest of us. love you!! emily justin and family

  8. Here we are one day closer to a heart which means one day closer to home! I love Rico's hair, you have a very manly boyfriend there Lindsey. Or is it Megan or Sierra's boyfriend? Hee Hee. It's a beautiful day here, the smell of Autumn is in the air. We sure miss you guys!!!! Love Aunt G

  9. Great job with the push ups Lindsey I am impressed. Still keeping you and your family in our prayers daily.
