Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sept 8 , Just Keep Breathing

10:20 am. Stacy here.
Sorry about not updating yesterday, it was a little crazy. Lindsey is acting great. Very upset she has to be back in the CVICU again, but is handling it as good as can be expected. Thursday they started her on a lidocaine drip to get her heart to come out of the funky rhythm, she has tolerated it well. Yesterday morning she went to school and then to physical therapy at 1:00. She made nachos with mango salsa. It was pretty good. Just before we finished up, we found out that we were not supposed to be leaving the unit and they were going to start an IV beta-blocker. I was glad that she was still able to finish her week of school and do most of physical therapy. It's like Dr. Bernstein said, "If they have to go to school then they realize that they are not as sick as they thought." It is interesting how we have been fighting Lindsey to go to school and sometimes PT, and now she looks forward to them. She was really sad when she thought she was going to miss them.

 The plan is to get the IV beta-blocker to the dose they want and wean her off the lidocaine. Then they will start her on the oral dose of the beta-blocker and then she can go upstairs to 3W. The hope is that it will all be done by the end of the weekend. Dr. Hollander told Lindsey that she would only have to be in the CVICU for 3 days. She woke up yesterday and said, "So, 2 more days Mom right?" I told her we would just have to see. I told Dr. Hollander about this conversation and explained to him that if it is more than 3 days he will have to answer to the Princess. He better be ready for the wrath of Lindsey. However, they tried to wean Lindsey off of the beta-blocker last night and she threw another rhythm change and they quickly went back up on it. I hope that isn't a sign that we'll be here for awhile. She is not feeling the quick run of the rhythm changes when they happen, so that is good. 

Sierra has acted better after this round of IVIG, but her groin has been pretty sore. She has been a trooper and attended the rest of the week of school. She has been trying really hard at school, I am really proud of her.

 Megan made the "A" volleyball team. She is pretty excited as it is the most competitive team. Of course she accepted the news with the greatest amount of humility, "Oh I knew it, it really wasn't that hard." She is so funny. It was pretty fun to see her reaction when she finally saw Betsy and Logan. She was VERY surprised.  It has been sooo nice having Betsy and Logan here. They are doing an amazing job and so helpful.  I miss Jason and hate when he has to leave, as I feel half of me go with him.  I am so grateful that he has the job he has that allows him to be here as much as he is.  Here is to hoping that Lindsey gets on the oral beta-blocker and that it works - today!


  1. Sure glad to hear those Nedrows are a help and not a hinderance, LOL! Happy they are able to help you out. I know you and your family are very special and your friendship means a lot to them :)
    I agree, the doc has to break the news! Hopefully it will be 'fixed' soon enough!
    Were there any doubts about Meghan's ability to make the 'good' team!!!
    Enjoy the weekend! God bless and we'll keep the prayers coming! M.

  2. Awesome good news and so glad for friends to help out. What would the world be without friends? Stacy, you are a great mom and wife. The world is a better place because of your presence in it. Continuing to hold you, Jason, Sierra, Lindsey, Gage, and all the family , up in prayer!

  3. Congrats, Megan, on making the volleyball team! I also knew you could do it!! Hopefully Lindsey's stay in CVICU will be a very short 3 day one, and then get back to 3rd floor. Sierra, you are such a trooper. What a great example you are to your family as well as everyone around you. Good luck in school. Hunter, how is first grade? Love you all so much!
