Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sept 6, Lindsey's PVCs and Sierra's Biopsy Result

8:30 pm,
Stacy dropped Lindsey off at school and headed to the airport to pickup Betsy and Logan Nedrow (the surprise the kids don't know about).  As she is getting to the airport she received a call from the doctor regarding Lindsey's PVC's (irregular heart beats).  The PVC's have worsened and have gotten to the point that Lindsey needs additional IV therapy.  They pulled her out of school and took her downstairs to the CVICU to start a picc line and IV medication that should help stabilize her heart rhythm.  She will be in the CVICU for at least 3 days then hopefully back to 3 West.  I am so grateful they have several options to help with this. I counted it up and she has been 42 days on the 3rd floor.  She is still looking and acting great, no fevers or tummy aches.  Hopefully they need to catch and fix this PVC issue before it starts affecting her clinically.

Couple of hours later she received a call from the Heart Clinic regarding Sierra's biopsy results.  She got a 1B.  Rejection is graded zero - 4 with 4 being the worst.  Meaning she has some rejection and her long streak of zero's have come to an end for now.  They are going to increase her prograf (anti rejection med) and do another biopsy in a month.  This is NOT the news we were hoping for.

It was pretty hard to receive these phone calls from Stacy as I am traveling back to Oregon. Makes me want to turn around and head back to California.  Feels pretty lonely here in our nice big home.  Hard to imagine our family could be home someday.  Just need to remember the highs and lows.

Lindsey showing off a push up in PT


  1. Sorry to read the not such good news. Hopefully the Nedrow distraction will be some help while you are home. Hope their arrival was a surprise! Guess we need to tune up the prayers! Positive thoughts! Positive thoughts! Positive thoughts! God bless! M.

  2. S'prised by your visitors kids? How fun for all of you!
    We still/always have you in our prayers & staying w/you. God bless. JRee <3 to <3

  3. So sorry for the bad news. I think of you all often and share your story with anyone complaining of a bad day. Hope to read a good report tomorrow! :-)

  4.'s easy for me to sit here and give you advice but because I know you are a man of faith I feel confident in sharing this scripture with you..."Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations3:21-23. Praying that tomorrow will be brighter and good news and positive reports are headed the girls' way. Hang in there!

  5. Time to put the prayers into overdrive! Sorry to hear the tough news. I really was ready for that zero dance--maybe next month. I'm so glad the Nedrow's arrived and will be able to bring some cheer. Try to enjoy being home Jason. Thinking about and praying for all of you.

  6. Is Sierra helping Linds with balance, or getting ready to spank her?

    I know this wasn't the news you were hoping for, but by the sounds of all the tragedy going on around you, it really seems a blessing. We'll all keep praying for health and healing.
    Tell Hunter I'm getting his kindergarten class whipped into shape so by the time he comes back, we'll be a well oiled machine with only occasional whining! :-)
    Hugs - Teacher Karen

  7. Good to remember the highs to carry us through the low parts, Thanks for the visit yesterday. Love Aunt G

  8. I've been following your blog all summer. My nephew had heart surgery in October, when he was three days old. He's made many repeat trips to Primary Children's Hospital since. Lindsey, Sierra and all of your family are in my prayers daily. I know our Heavenly Father has a plan for all of us. It would just be nice to have a "sneak peak" sometimes, yes? I'm giving the Relief Society lesson on "Faith" this Sunday. Hope you don't mind if I reference your story and the great faith you exercise every minute of every day! You truly inspire to be a better person and to serve those around me; isn't that what our Savior really to serve each other! Thanks for the service you render so many by your posts!

  9. Jason, I just wanted to let you know that our family is praying for all of you daily! Thank you so much for keeping us updated through this blog! You and your wife are absolutely amazing and your strength and faith are so inspirational!
    ~Urs, Laurie & Family (from Montana)
