Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 3, 10:50am, To divide and conquer

Stacy and I have had to divide and conquer.  I went to the RMH last night and passed out.  Stacy stayed here with the kids.

For Lindsey, she was up quite a bit.  They did a dressing change and sat her up last night.  That is a big deal and very painful. Stacy went home and I came over around 8am.  When I got here they were doing chest x-ray, echo and inspecting her Berlin.  I guess there is a 'small' clot forming and they are watching it very close. I haven't seen it but it sure makes me nervous.  As always, Stacy is cool.  The surgeon took out the last chest tube.  She was scared and had to breath through it.  She is still on a high flow nasal cannula, which means they are forcing air through her nose to help keep the lungs open. That is one of the reasons for the chest x-ray, to see how her lungs are holding up. Pysch is here right now working with her. And now the 'team' is here looking at the blood clots (yes plural) forming in the Berlin.  They haven't given me a formal report on these clots so I am trying not to jump to conclusions, but I am getting anxious.  She still has a morphin drip on a pca machine and is using it.  Hopefully today we can get her up.  Also hoping to get her back on the list today.

For Gage he is still pretty miserable. Slept quite a bit but is also on the morphine pca drip. Surgeon took the chect tube on him.  So hopefully he will feel better.  They did another echo on Gage and our fears were confirmed. His heart function has declined since the echo on Saturday.  Not sure what that means but I am preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.  Still unbelievable.

The surgeon, Dr. Katz Meada, who took out the chest tubes is the same guy who put in the Berlin, and pacemaker, and will do the transplant.  He is our friend.
We have learned about the time frame of transplants.  There is about 27 hours between when a potential donor is identified to when she actually get the heart.  I just heard the team talk confirm that she is going back on the list as a 1A. (In my book she should be a 1AAAA).

Hard to imagine the real world is turning out there. They are having a Bingham reunion up at Anthony Lakes right now. They wanted to cancel but we told them to go ahead with it. It does them no good to sit around and worry about our kids. I am doing a good enough job at that.  It's also Jake's birthday. Happy birthday bro.

I will report later


 The Bingham reunion out in the 'real world'




  1. Dear Jason and Stacy, The prayers have gone global and interdenominational. From my list of friends and family alone you have 2 convents of Catholic nuns--(1 in Melbourne and one in Ireland), 2 Lutheran congregations, (1 in Wasilla AK, and 1 in Rochester MN) and a Southern Baptist congregation in Texas. You have a senior couple of LDS Missionaries in England and Ward members from our home wards in AK and also here in UT.

  2. Dear Jason and Stacy,
    I'm praying every day for your family. I'm so heartbroken that this could be happening to your beautiful family. If there is ANYTHING I could do to help please don't hesitate to ask.
    Brittany (Willitts) Marrione

  3. Bingham Family ~ You are in our daily (and sometimes hourly) prayers as well as added to our church prayer list. Please know we are sending strength, patience, understanding and love your direction as you face this unimaginable battle with your beautiful family. God is most certainly with you all.

    Folkman's ~ Baker City

  4. What a brave and strong family. As you know you have many many followers that are all praying for your family. My heart is breaking for Lindsey and Gage for having to go through this. It also is breaking for you both for having to watch your kids go through all of this while missing your other kids. Your family is truly AMAZING. I just know that everything will turn out ok. All of the prayers will be answered soon.
    Carrie Sloan

  5. What a brave and strong family. As you know you have many many followers that are all praying for your family. My heart is breaking for Lindsey and Gage for having to go through this. It also is breaking for you both for having to watch your kids go through all of this while missing your other kids. Your family is truly AMAZING. I just know that everything will turn out ok. All of the prayers will be answered soon.
    Carrie Sloan
