Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 3, Day 14 - Miserable but uneventful

Lindsey had some adjustments made on her Berlin.  They are watching some clots very closely and the right side of her heart still seems to be struggling.  The hope is that she will not have to go back into surgery to get a 2nd pump put in for the right side of her heart.  They are watching her closely to avoid this and making adjustments with meds.  They spend lots of time visiting out at the nurses station and then coming in to Lindsey's room adjusting stuff.  Then they sit off to the side and talk quietly amongst themselves.  This is very nerve raking to Jason. Lindsey is still in a lot of pain and hates to be moved at all. Still lots of wires and tubes coming out of her even though they have gotten rid of 3 chest tubes, an IV, a folie catheter and the ventilator.  Tomorrow the plan is to take out her neck IV, her tube in her nose to her stomach and get her up in a chair.  So, we want to make sure she gets really good rest tonight!

Gage, is still in a lot of pain. He hasn't gotten out of bed yet, but has sat up and tolerated it.  His main phrase while he is sitting up is, "My tummy hurts" over and over again. He isn't eating much yet, but at least he is trying, so he must be feeling a little bit better, I guess.  Today he wanted us to lay in bed with him.  Yesterday he didn't want us anywhere near his body in the bed but just rubbing his head. It felt great to lay in bed with him today, because I needed the nap and to snuggle with him was very relaxing. Plan for Gage is to wean him off the morphine pump and get him up out of bed.  They are aggressively increasing his heart medication he will go home on for heart failure since he is here and they can continuously monitor his blood pressure (which is pretty low 80/32. They are still mystified as to what has caused this, they have never seen anything like it.  Of course, we are the 'Bingham's'.

This evening as Jason and I were taking our dinner break back at the RMH. We discussed all these things that are making us worry and nervous and give us that pit in our stomach.  We decided that there is nothing we can do to change the course where things are going or what is going on.  The issues are so complex, we need to trust in the doctors.  Our job is to care for and comfort our sick children and let the doctors decide what needs adjusting.  Our vision of this trial in our life is so narrow that we can't try and predict the outcome.  It is also not going to last forever and it will have an end.  Our Heavenly Father's vision is so beyond our own that he knows what he is doing and we fully trust him with all our hearts, might, mind and strength.  So, we will 'try' to stop our worrying and put our focus to giving our love and care to our children and trying to make each day a little better in some way for them. Jason and I must not let Lindsey and Gage see the worry, the fear, or negative of the situation but provide them with the confidence and hope that they WILL get better.  All is much easier said than done.

There are some amazing support back home, in Utah, and around the world.  I have no doubt each prayer is heard by our loving Heavenly Father.  We are so grateful for the love and support.

Gage and I taking a much needed nap. 

Gage-a-rilious and Daddy trying to figure out what to order for dinner while watching another episode of Dora on Nick jr. Gage's "I hurt" face. He was insistent on wearing a shirt.  He was pretty upset that he wasn't dressed when the medicine wore off.  Jason's chin hair hasn't grown enough yet.  Maybe a donor will be prepared on the 4th of July. God Bless.


  1. Stacy all I can say is you are both so amazing and brave and your children are the same. The pictures of you guys with Gage are priceless. I love them. It really bothers me that they are both in pain and I am hoping that they don't allow them to be in pain much longer. I love you guys and a minute doesn't go by that I'm not thinking about you guys or I'm talking about you guys telling your story and spreading the word about organ donation. xoxoxoxxoxo

  2. You are both truly amazing. Sweet little Lindsey and gage could not have asked for better parents! We love you guys!

  3. Dear Stacy and Jason, I am one of the volunteers at RMH, and I was there when Sierra received her new heart. I was praying for you then, and I am praying for you now, maybe even harder. All I want to say is that there are so many of us out here, lifting you up unceasingly before the throne of God, and believing that He hears and answers our prayers. Your own testimony of trust and hope in Him shines as a brilliant light in the midst of your darkest moments. God loves your kids even more than we can imagine . . . and He is blessed and glorified by your faith in Him. When you are too weary to think, please remember that at any moment,there are hundreds of prayers holding you up. I wish you peace and rest tonight.

  4. You are amazing parents! God bless you and your beautiful children. Thank you for the updates, there are so many of us that have you in our thoughts and prayers night and day. The Hamann's

  5. Tell Lindsey and Gage that they are simply amazing, brave, so strong, and to keep on trucking because this pain will pass and then they will one day be able to share their unbelievable and incredible story with so many people. Stacy and Jason you are both such an inspiration to so many us. Thank you for teaching about what it takes to be such awesome caregivers, amazing parents, and also great journalist that are so willing to keep everyone updated on everything! Still believing in all of the wonderful miracles that are just around the corner. Loves to all of you!!! with many loving prayers--Betsy

  6. So well said Stacy. You have a fantastic perspective, one that will help you with all of this! And Gage looks more comfortable cuddling next to mommy rather than daddy :)

  7. Your attitude and faith is amazing!!! Thank you for the update. I love that he is insistent on wearing a shirt. Modesty people :)

  8. Stacy, what a beautiful post. Such trust and faithfulness in our Heavenly Father. You guys are truly amazing.
    This will get better.

  9. Stacy,
    you are such an amazing strong and faithful woman, I truly admire you guys. You and Jason are inspirational and you have an amazing family.

  10. annoymous is Emily ;-)
