Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 11, 10 am, Day 5 on the vent

The good news is that Lindsey's Berlin looks good. They don't feel a need to change it, the clots in it are unconcerning. All her other organs (liver, kidneys) are doing well. Unfortunately her chest x-ray looked worse. So, they will not be taking her off the ventilator. They are going to repeat the CT scan, this time using contrast dye to tell whether it is blood or collapsed lung they are seeing. If it is blood they will surgically go in with a scope and remove it. If it is collapsed lung, then we will keep doing what we're doing with the ventilator. This is such a disappointment, Lindsey is looking so forward to having the tube out of her throat so she can drink. It just breaks our hearts because she is so miserable. Hopefully we can get some answers and solve the problem today.

Jason stayed with her last night and said she slept most the night. Except she woke up at 2:30 am wanting to play plants vs. zombies. Dad told her no (meanie),and put some soft relaxing music on and she went to sleep.

My Mom stayed at the RMH with Gage and Megan so they could get some much needed rest. I feel for my Mom when Gage wakes up, he slept on his chest most of the night. I tried to change his position, but he rolled right back over on it. I am sure he will be in a lot of pain when he wakes up. It has been great to have my mom here. She takes Gage and Megan up to the play room so we can stay here with Lindsey. Jason is headed out to get his computer battery charger fixed and a hair cut. So we are already starting to solve problems today.

Here is to a problem solving day!


  1. Amen to a problem solving day! And we will pray for positive news that will allow that tube to come out! Congrats Stacy on stepping forward to obtain your Cali nursing license. Love you all!

  2. It breaks our hearts to hear that lindsey is so uncomfortable. We are praying that there will be good news today that will allow the vent to come out.
    Keep fighting lindsey!, you will be through this sooner than you know.
    S.C ~Baker City~

  3. I will be praying for resolutions for everything as well. Keep strong. We all love you and are amazed at your strenghth.

  4. We are praying for Lindsey's lungs to improve so that the vent can come out very soon. Lindsey, your strength and courage are such an inspiration to us. We are so hopeful that there will be many happy times ahead for you and your family!

    What did one eye say to the other?
    Between you and me...something smells!

    What is worse than a giraffe with a sore neck?
    A caterpillar with tired feet!

    What do you get when you cross a pair of pants with a dictionary?
    Smarty pants!

    We are sending many prayers your way for solutions to your problems today!

    With love, the Daltons

  5. Good news and not so good but I won't give in to bad :) no negative thinking!
    Life is going on, just in a different way. It's great that you have your Mom to help wherever and whenever she's needed. Grams are good for the tlc, moral support and ALL that love they have for their kids and grands ;)
    Your blog is my routine every a.m. I need to see how it's going then aim my prayers to your needs for the day.
    Lindza-riffic will be getting her very own lucky number one of these days.
    We pray for the staff to get it evened out so that the darned vent tube gets out of there for good! Also for Lindsey's small steps to be up and going soon! And for you and Jason that you continue being strong, faithful, patient parents! Love, prayers and God bless you ALL! M

  6. Everyday I read your posts and am in such admiration of your family. Your strength and faith are an inspiration to us all. My prayers go out to you all. I'm so happy your mom is there. There's nothing like having a mom there to help out! Tell little Lindsey that I can't wait to go bowling with her. We will have the best bowling party Baker has ever seen. I don't have any jokes for her this morning. All of the ones the boys tell me aren't too funny. Boy humor! Take care and God Bless you all! Molly Smith

  7. Yay for problem solving! The two of you are such an inspiration and a wonderful example of a great married couple...keep strong.
    I'm so sorry Lindsey still needs the vent....staying positive is best.
    Brittany Marrione

    Q. What do you call a pig that’s a karate expert?
    A. A pork chop

    Q. What did the gum say to the shoe?
    A. I’m stuck on you.

  8. Continuing to pray like you guys are our own because in a way-- you are. Glad to hear Lindsay slept most of the night. That indeed is an answer to prayer. Praying for that R lung to improve so she can get the vent out. Oh my goodness. I know she is miserable but what a strong and courageous little girl she is. Praying for problem resolution. Your thoughts on problem solving reminded me of a joke for you guys. Love Dale and Mike Olsen

    A Swiss busineman walks into a bank in Geneva and asks for a $100 loan. He offers his luxury Mercedes car as collateral. The collateral is too good, and the bank manager approves the loan. A year later, the businessman comes back. He repays the loan and the 10% interest and is ready to collect his car. Finally, the puzzled bank manager dares to ask him: "Excuse me, sir, could you tell me: did you really need that $100 so badly? In order to get the money, you left your luxury car with us for a whole year!" The businessman replied, "That's simple – just think outside the box:I was going on an extended vacation. Where else in Geneva can I find such a great parking place for just $10 a year?"


  9. I sure hope it is blood and Lindsey can get that tube out.

    Sounds like an encouraging report

  10. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family Would it help if gage sleeps on his stomach if there was a pillow there for cushion Know all about pacemakers Jack has one Will do battery change tomorrow in Boise He is 100% on the pacer

  11. Stacy, you make me smile. I hope that little Lindsey can get the tube out, I am sure it would help not only the pain but her spirits as well. Nick said Lindsey is tougher than he is, and he sincerely means it. I hope the dye test brings you good news.

  12. Many many thoughts and prayers for your family. We love the Binghams!!
    Erika Allen Jacobs

  13. So glad to hear your mom is there, what a blessing that must be. Here's to problems being solved. Love to all, Kay

  14. keep up the great strength I dont know how you both keep going. I feel so bad for lindsey and your whole family you guys are great and your trials keep me strong may our heavenly father keep blessing you. These trials will also pass love you all Larry the trenton man

  15. Glad to hear somethings are going better. Now just to get the extubate her. That is great ReNae is there, she is a sweetheart. We love you all and pray and think of you continually. Love Joyce and the 5 boys

  16. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family too.

  17. Thanks for these posts. I am amazed by your strength and courage during this difficult time. We've all been praying for you both and Lindsey and Gage. Sending hugs for you all!
    Allie Scott

  18. Jason and Stacy this is renee m. I started reading your blog when I found out about it a few weeks ago. tried to comment a few times but i was never confident that it worked. For me it feels like being on pins and needles each day waiting to hear what has transpired. It is very sobering to hear and realize how much you all have gone through already, the trials you are still going through, and what you are still looking forward to. quite a few posts ago you mentioned that you have know idea why your family must go through so much but you hoped that in some way it is or will be a help to others. Jason, I want you to know that your experience with sierra really did help our family when we were in need. You contacted us at just the right time and it meant more than I can ever convey. the nature of that assistance that you freely offered continued to assist us for quite some time and I am forever grateful to you. bottom line you will probably never know for sure why you have had to face so much. I just want to assure you that as hard as it is to really believe, the Lord will never give you more than you can bear. I also firmly believe that if you could know the beginning to the end, retrospectively, you would not choose to change anything. I know that sounds crazy. Through your suffering you are an encouragement and an inspiration to others.
    I just want to thank you and assure you that you have helped people and are continuing to do so. Your family is well-loved. All who know about this situation are now praying for you. Besides the intercessory power which that invokes, I hope that it also provides some measure of comfort in the groundswell of caring which is pouring forth.
    Take Care, hang tough.

  19. My mom (who used to work with your mom, Stacy) told me about your little family last week. Each day I have read your blog posts and kept a special little prayer in my heart for Lindsey and her special little Spirit. What a tough little cookie she must be!! I am amazed by your faith and your strength. Thanks for sharing your amazing story.
