Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 11, 10:30 pm, Another Day

Interesting how the human spirit longs for good news and hope. We all do, I do. So here is where she is at.

Had all the heavy hitting doctors in her room this morning discussing why that lung won't finish inflating. We had Katz Meada (the surgeon) Roth (intensivist) Bernstein (heart failure head) and 2 other cardiologist. They decided on and did a CT scan to look closer at the collapsed right lung and any fluid around the heart and lungs. It took 3 nurses, a respitory therapist, and an MD to move her. Took them an hour and 15 minutes. The CT scan showed quite a bit of blood around the bottom of her lung and around her heart. Meada put in a 2nd larger chest tube to try and drain it. The blood has coagulated so they are doubtful but worth trying. If that doesn't work they will need to do surgery to get it out. If they took her off the vent now her lung would probably collapse again. Not good. They still have the blood thinner turned off. Her Berlin pump still has minimal clots and her pressures are pretty stable (there's your good you were looking for).

But lets be honest, she is so miserable. She has layed in the exact same position since Saturday. She can't talk or cough. She can't do anything for herself. She just hurts everywhere. There was no 'good news' to her when she found out the tube wasn't coming out.

I'm spending the night here again. Stacy has a little cold she is fighting off (isn't that just jim flippin' dandy). Rather not give Lindsey a cold. Been nice having Gage and Megan here. Megan and I went and had our hair cut then out to lunch together. That was a good thing to do. She is a good girl and was needing a little Daddy / daughter time. Sure miss our Sierra and Hunter and excited to see them next week. But for now this is where Stacy and I need to be.

Sure enjoy the nice comments. They are a strength to us. Aunt Cindy had us laughing out loud with her pioneer analogy of Stacy. I will enter it when I can get to a real keyboard.

Keep the faith. Keep the hope. Keep the prayers. She will make it through this.

The 3 nurses, respiratory therapist, and doctor bringing Lindsey back from CT. 

The small chest tube that was put in Lindsey Saturday morning the 7th of July.

The larger chest tube they placed today.  Not draining a whole lot, but some.


  1. Wow! For the first time words fail me....Lindsey being in pain like this and knowing how miserable she is (which is way more miserable than most people have ever experienced for this length of time in their whole life) is very difficult to find words of comfort. So I do what I know I can do and what will help....I PRAY and I PRAY and I PRAY and then I spread the word and share the story about the Bingham's Hearts and your journey. I hope and pray that by doing this I able to spread more loving and thoughtful prayers Lindsey's way and for the whole Bingham Clan. We love you each so much and pray that the bad will turn good sooner than the later for Lindsey's spirits and for her own comfort. Jason and Stacy never give up on being the amazing, caring, faithful, loving, and patient parents that you are. You are both such an inspiration! Miracles Happen To Those Who Believe. xoxoxoxo

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm glad there was some good news today! Jason and Stacy, you two are so absolutely strong and couragous. I must admit, before I started following this journey last week, I wasn't much into praying, but your story has really opened my eyes and changed the way I look at life. Thank you so very much for sharing each day.
    It is heartbreaking to hear how much pain lindsey is feeling. Lindsey I know you probably don't see or feel it now, but you have got to be the strongest girl I know!
    Keep on fighting, as I will continue praying.
    S.C ~Baker City~

  4. I can't decide if I want to tell you to keep pushing along or to keep pulling - it feels like you're called to do both in ever-increasingly frustrating intervals. You bring to mind the Martin Handcart story where the fella says: “‘I have pulled my handcart when I was so weak and weary from illness and lack of food that I could hardly put one foot ahead of the other. I have looked ahead and seen a patch of sand or a hill slope and I have said, 'I can go only that far and there I must give up, for I cannot pull the load through it.’ I have gone on to that sand and when I reached it, the cart began pushing me. I have looked back many times to see who was pushing my cart, but my eyes saw no one. I knew then that the angels of God were there."

    So, keep pushing through your patches of sand, and pull up those hill slopes, and know that we are all thinking of you and praying for you and your Princess. She's seen the angels, and I'd bet they are on your every side.

  5. I'm with Jason on this, Lindsey... you'll pull through. I literally cannot imagine how horrible you must feel, but relief and sunshine and smiles are coming. Fight the pain with whatever you can. Tell it that you won't let it win. Praying for you night and day.


  6. Heather (friend of Tereasa Rasmussen)July 11, 2012 at 11:08 PM

    Family is
    Still praying for all you guys especially your lil Lindsey Lou. I check your blog at least 6-7 times a day looking for your update. I have told everyone in my everyday circle. For the soul purpose of I want everyone I know to pray! I believe in the power of prayers and I believe in Lindsey getting thru this. You guys are amazing parents. You are always speaking of the balancing act that the drs on doing. And you and Stacy are doing that as well. Your other children, your lives, your haircuts, your work, Stacy's cold, all the things that need tending to besides your sweet Lindsey Lou. Once your Lindsey gets thru this everything in life will seem so Minimal considering all that she is getting thru at this moment. And without you as her parents, and our Great God above, and the miracle of life she would not be. Hang in there! Your Lindsey WILL GET thru this, she is getting thru this! Our God is a awesome God and he will not leave you or her during this terrible time!

  7. Sending all of you hugs and hugs and miracles!!! You are always in our prayers. You give us such strength by sharing your strength and hope. You are all so very amazing, such examples of courage and love and grace when it is not always convenient. You guys outshine the brightest stars!!! Especially Lindsey and Gage and the siblings back home. Keep up the good fight.

    What do you call a fly without wings?

    A walk.

    That's about as corny as Orville Redenbacher popcorn, but I still like it...;~P

    Praying for miracles,
    The Hays family

  8. Hmmm, maybe Gage's dragon needs to visit Lindsey turning her into Lindza-rilla giving her more strength to help her fight this battle.....then Princess Lindza-riffic will be able to conquer and shine through!!!
    Our hearts are heavy, feeling your others have said, we are always spreading the word getting your story out there gaining more prayers for Lindsey, as well as you and Stacy! Amazing how this is uniting so many for one cause :) God bless you ALL, with LOTS of love and LOTS of prayers, M

  9. Sending lots of comfort and prayers your way. Praying for a miracle, for Lindsay and for each and every one of you. She is such a brave, strong, fighter!

    ps.. There is a family of foxes at the end of Talley Dobbins Road (in Smith's sheep pen). On the days I have the chance to drive by, I look at the den, and there is always one that sits out, waiting and looking. He or she is very brave to not run and hide. I'll have to send some photos for Lindsay.

  10. Prayers for all of you especially for Lindsey to get some relieve from the pain she is in. She is such a tough little girl. Your family is amazing. I was just thinking this morning how sweet little Sierra would brighten my day every afternoon she came into my class. It will only be a few years before princess Lindsey Lou will do the same. God bless! The Hamann's

  11. I just you all to know your entire family is in my prayers-continually- you are all so strong and amazing to all of us. Betsy (my cousin) has talked about you all so much over the years and is very fond of all of you. She's told me so much about you all that I feel like I know you! My two oldest girls have seen the pictures on here and heard me talking about Miss Lindsey Lou and you can see their little faces sending all of their strength to her through those pictures. Keep fighting...we will all keep praying...and awaiting the good news we are all wanting to hear. (I'll be looking for some good jokes to send your way as well!)

  12. Yeah! Happy day, a small step! At a girl, Lindsey! Thank you, Lord!! M

  13. Thinking of you and praying for you a hundred times a day.
