Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 26, Day 7, Time for a feeding tube

Stacy here.  I took Jason, Sierra and Gage to the airport this morning. So, here we are just Lindsey and I. So sad to see them go. Lindsey had another great day yesterday. It is amazing how our energy and optimism go up according to the good days. Like the doctor said at rounds this morning, "today is a good day for a heart transplant." We know we are on borrowed time right now. She really has little reserves left. Just like Sierra, she plateaus right before she plummets. That is why we say it would be wonderful to get a heart when she is "healthy." Today they are putting in a feeding tube (she is really excited for that). She will be fed at night while she is sleeping. She just isn't taking in enough calories to keep her body healthy enough for transplant. Well, that's it for now we are off for a walk. Jason, give the rest of our kids the love and hugs I ache to give them right now, but can't. Lindsey said the only thing she wanted when she woke up from her transplant was to have her whole family in the room. I agree!!!


  1. Praying every day, every prayer that she will stay this well until transplant. Would it be appropriate for me to organize a Bingham family fast for this weekend?

  2. Ah, she is such a cute girl! How about I drive the family down in a week when she gets her transplant (my fingers are crossed right now). You are a wonderful mom Stacy!

  3. You are an awesome mom, with true love for her children. I can say i do know what it is like to be away from your children for a long time, and how hard the time apart is. You are such a strong amazing woman. I pray and pray that her wish may come true very soon. Loves Erin

  4. Thank you Lindsey for that wonderful image of you waking up with your new heart and your family in the room. It's like posting a picture on my prayers. Love, Judy

  5. Lindsey is so stinking cute!! Fingers crossed that she gets to wake up with the whole family there ASAP!! Hopefully the feeding tube gets her nice and strong(Er) for the transplant!!

  6. What an amazingly strong family you have. I think about Lindsey all the time and pray that she will get her transplant soon. What a sweet little girl! Wishing you all the best.
