Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 27, Day 8, Back in Oregon for a moment.

Gage, Sierra and I came home yesterday.  Strange being in the house, but it is good to be home for a little while.  Uncle Jay is bringing Megan and Hunter to Oregon.  Very nice of him.  I just wanted to be their Dad for little bit before I need to go back.  I am planning on heading back a week from today, but may need to go back sooner.
Lindsey is having rough few days.  She hasn't eaten much of anything and the walks are minimal.  Dr. Bernstein has come by a few times to check on Lindsey.  He is watching her very close.  Today's plan was just to watch and see how she does on the feeding tube.  I guess it was pretty dramatical inserting the tube, they had to do it twice before it took.  The first time it coiled up in her tummy.  They want the tube to go past her tummy into her intestines so she won't have the tummy aches and the 'full' filling.  Stacy went over and layed with Lindsey between 11pm and 2am.  But Lindsey slept for the most part.  Hopefully today she can eat something and 'ambulate'.

The doctor doubled Gage's heart med.  Need to watch him for the same things, tummy aches, vomitting, dizzy, appetite, or whatever.  Most of the time he is ok, but there are random times he says his tummy hurts, or doesn't want to eat anything.  This is all so hard to not stress out.

Our prayers are pretty sincere these days.  Praying for Lindsey's heart to hold on, for her to eat, for the doctors to make wise decisions, for her to be brave, for her to have strength to hold on,  for Gage and his med's, for Ruth Frieboes, for Ricki Anderson's family, and for the donor family.

On a lighter side, I told Lindsey I am not going to shave my chin hair until the transplant.  No matter how long it takes, I'm not going to shave it.  Hopefully it won't get to long and ugly.
Till next time.


  1. We are all praying too! As many prayers as we can!! hopefully the feeding tube makes a huge difference, and gives her body the strength it needs to keep battling through this!

  2. Jay was sooo happy to do this for you...I wish I could have come...

  3. You're a great DAD Jason! I know that because you have great KIDS! Hope you get a few days of quality time with them. Love, Judy

  4. Lindsey and the rest of your family are in my prayers daily. I remember babysitting sweet little baby Lindsey Lou. She's still sweet and so little- just not a baby!

  5. I'm with Hill! You're a good lookin guy, Jas... But I'm really hoping that facial hair doesn't get too long!! I can't imagine it being a flattering look...

  6. Jason - this is Matt's wife Erica. Thank you for putting information on the blog - we follow it daily. We have three girls who pray morning, day and night for sweet Lindsey. We are all praying for her, her doctors, the donor of her new heart and for the family. We hope you can find a way to all be together soon. Tell Lindsey she has prayers from Maryland coming her way!
