Monday, February 13, 2012

We Did IT!! A Half Marathon

This first week of July was a crazy busy and bizarre week for us. We had the famous Bingham reunion up here in Oregon. It was so much fun! We missed Cindy and Lynn and Percilla and Keith. They are on missions, Percilla and Keith in Russia and Cindy and Lynn just left to start their 3 year calling as mission presidents of the Sole, Korea mission. Everyone showed up between June 30th and July 1st. Jake and Wendy had their baby Brand, on the 1st of July. It was fun having everyone here for this great event. We worked cattle, had a 10K, 5K, and 1 mile race. Horse riding, fishing, and lots of relaxing and visiting.

On the 4th of July we ran the Haines race. Royce, Emily and I ran the 10K. I ran it with my friend Ronda, who I do all my workouts with. We have been training to do a half marathon. It was a lot of fun, Royce was really close to first but ended up taking 2nd or 3rd in the men and I took first in the women's 10K. I felt it was my strongest race ever!!

Early July 5th Jason, Sierra, Lindsey and I left for California for a biopsy. We zoomed down and back in 2 days. Sierra got a zero, and everything looks great. I started feeling really tired on the trip and was out of breath going up stairs. I couldn't believe it, I just ran a 10K. By the time we got home early Thursday morning, my feet were hugely swollen. Jason had youth conference in Nyssa and left at 1:00pm that day with the youth. I wanted to go out for one more light run on Thursday since my marathon was Saturday the 9th. I went to run and couldn't even make it a mile. I was short of breath and my legs were very swollen. I ended up heading to the ER in Baker for questionable congestive heart failure. After long hours in the ER, they couldn't find anything wrong and I came home to have a follow up with a cardiologist. We headed down to Boise Friday afternoon to see if we could get into a cardiologist.

We ended up getting no where in Boise, but I decided to go with Daisy and Ronda to check in for the race and at least get my T-shirt. By that morning my swelling had decreased significantly and I could run a little bit without being short of breath. The hotel Jason and I were staying in was right along the green belt where the race route was. So, I decided to go ahead and run with Daisy and Ronda until I hit the hotel, then I would get in the car and head back to the finish line and meet them there. Long story short, the hotel was further away than I thought and by the time I got there I decided to just run the whole thing. I ended up finishing the race! What an emotional finish!! Thank you Ronda for sticking by my side! Thank you Jason for all your support!!!

Daisy, Ronda and I at the finish line.

Ronda and I waiting for Daisy.

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