Monday, February 20, 2012

The Merrill Reunion

Well, the snow did melt and we were able to have an awesome reunion. We stayed at the Kern's cabin up by Anthony Lakes. Some of us in tents and others stayed in the cabin. It was a lot of fun! We canoed, hiked, biked, made friend ship bracelets and played games.

We were fortunate this reunion, no one got hurt. There was some experimentation with full pop cans and mosquito spray. Luckily, all that was harmed was a few lawn chairs. It will definitely be one of those things that we will look back on and laugh. We missed Cory and his family and Ryan and his family. Hopefully next year there will be everyone! Here are some pics of the event:

Two of the three "cutest" members of the bunch. Wyatt and Korbyn.

With the snow melted, it allowed for some exploring.

Korbyn showing us his adorable grin!

Wyatt trying to one-up him. Not quite as broad of a smile.

Gage watching the kids on the canoe.

Hunter, "Huh, I can go on the canoe right now?"

Our other "cutest" member of the bunch, Cooper. Held by our cute Mya!

Morris and Stetson waiting for their turn on the canoe.

Jason taking Keaton and Hunter out on the boat.

Tiffany and Layne balancing on the log to get to the canoe.

Gage looking cute.

Layne on the canoe.

Wyatt on the hike up to Van Patten Lake.

All the troop heading up to Van Patten.

Mason getting excited to be closer.

This was everyone that stayed and watched Jason and Morris jump off the big cliff. They jumped off the cliff and immediately a storm came in. We huddled under the big trees until it passed. Luckily it didn't last very long, but we headed down with some wet and tired kids. Morris was amazing at his bravery to jump off the cliff. He and Jason were the only ones!

Just getting an idea for what their in for.

One of our crafts was making people out of twigs and rocks. Sierra made this for uncle Cory, because it looked a lot like him!

Just arriving into Van Patten Lake. The kids did awesome!

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