Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fun With Our Cousins

May 21st we had the opportunity to go to Sugar City, ID and see Jason's brother Josh be put in as the bishop. It was a fun and awesome weekend. Our kids love to go and visit their cousins. After being there for a short period, they were already playing dress up and jumping out of the window seal in the basement.

Our friends the Yeck's came with their family and we bar-b-qued and went swimming at Green Canyon. Our kids had a ball. So fun to see you Yeck's. Thank you for a wonderful weekend Josh and Tara. We sure enjoyed the visit. Thanks for feeding our troops. You are both amazing people!

The four Dorcas' Michone, Ashley, Sierra and Megan(aka - dork-us, dork-ful, dork-it, & dork-mund as is written on their foreheads). Michone's is written backwards because she was looking in the mirror when writing on her forehead. They were hiding from the little kids.

Grandma Baxter brought some paint and everyone was able to paint a rock.

Sierra concentrating very hard on her rock.

Hunter and Kalli working hard on their rocks. Kalli did a gorgeous horse. It was really amazing. I think she has a real talent with painting.

Grandma Baxter helping everyone with their paints.

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