Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Jason's Big 40!!!

Saturday the 29th was Jason's 40th birthday. We had a surprise party planned for him with his college buddies. It was a lot of fun, because he had no clue that they were coming. Thank you Breckenridges and Steph!! He may be 40, but he sure doesn't act like it. He is still wrestling with the kids, hunting ground squirrels, fit as a fiddle and looking forward to his new calling as Young Men's President. Happy Birthday dear, we sure love you!!

There are also just some random pictures of the kids I thought were cute so I added to this update. Blog you later!

Gage sporting the construction working gear.

It lasted about that long. He was done.

Sierra did Lindsey's hair for school. They were both pretty proud of it.

The girls had hat day at school. There is a teacher at school that is fighting cancer. She started chemo and will be losing her hair. They had hat day in honor of her. Jason thought they looked pretty cute in their hats and took a picture.

Jason's birthday breakfast.

Jason's casket cake. It was fun to make.

Blowing out the candles.

Steph Purcell, Jason and Jay Breckenridge.

Steph, me, Jason, Jay and Jenny.

The Bingham and Breckenridge clan

All the kids - thanks for coming guys I really appreciate it! It was a lot of fun.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday old man! I will be right there with you next year. Welcome to being young mens president. Let me know when you figure out the priests. I have been YM presidents for three months and still can't figure out how to get them to the Tuesday night activities/meetings.
