Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ready for Spring!!

It has been a while since we blogged. It has been a little crazy busy. We had a week of beautiful weather in the 50's. It really gave us spring fever. Since we had the nice weather, we decided to make the most of it and played outside. Gage found the mud puddles and for some reason he stood on his head and put his nose in the puddle. It was the funniest thing I had ever seen. He only got mud on his feet and nose. Hunter loves riding his bike he got from Santa. Every time the garage door opens to leave he has to take it for a quick spin down the sidewalk and back before we can leave.

Gage with his muddy feet and nose.

Abigail and Hunter playing on their bikes. I hosed off the driveway so they were having a ball riding in the water.

A close up of Gage's nose.

For a family home evening Lindsey had a recipe for homemade ice cream in a bag. We decided to make that for our treat. Everyone had a blast and it tasted really good too. Hunter fell asleep at the dinner table and was out for the night. So, unfortunately he missed out.

Gage with his bag of ice cream.

The girls shaking their bags of ice cream. Hunter asleep on the couch.

Enjoying the finished product.

Gage trying on my swim cap and goggles.

Hunter wanted to try them on too and bust a move.

Sierra and I went to California this last week for her biopsy. We were really hoping for a 0 rejection. If she got a 0 that meant that we could go 3-4 months before her next biopsy and we could start going back to Boise for her in between echo's. Unfortunately it was a 1a, which means there are some white blood cells lurking around, so they want us back in 6 weeks. We were able to meet up with our dear friends the Thornton's. We went to the Discovery Museum on the Bay with them. It was the highlight of our trip. We ended up not being able to leave until Sunday due to the weather. Giving us an extra day to enjoy the weather in sunny Cali and Jason an extra day of stress with tax season and 4 kids.

Our angel flight home from California. It was a 8 passenger plane. Our first time on one that big.

Last Friday was our last day of skiing. We are so very sad. It has been sooo fun! Jason decided he was going to be an AWESOME father and come with us for the last day. We got up to the ski resort and it was terribly windy. They were not even opening the chair lift, which left the bunny hill our only option. We made the best of it and even learned to ski backwards. It was fun! Thank you Jason for sacrificing your morning for us! That is all we have to update for now. Until next time....

Jason and I on the bunny hill. Proof that he did ski with us this year. Even though it was windy and only on the bunny hill.


  1. I love those pictures of Gage, what a funny guy! I can't wait to meet him. It sounds like things are busy as usual at your house. Less then a month left of tax season, good job!!

  2. Stacy and Sierra, It was very nice to meet you when you were here in California. Sorry to hear there was still a white blood cell problem :( But we will be happy to see you when you come again!
    Summer, Mason's Mommy
