Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pine Wood Derby Time!!

Last night was our annual ward Pine Wood Derby. It is always fun, because this pine wood derby is a no rules or boundaries. It is always fun to go and see all the creative people we have in our ward and have great laughs. We won the award for the car most imitating a political figure. We call it our Shamoooove hot rod! The kids painted it and Jason cut it out. It was a lot of fun!

Shamoooove hot rod!

A line up of all the entries.

All the cars that raced.

Jason getting ready for our first race. Unfortunately we lost the first race.

Our cheering squad. Megan's friend Mattie holding our towel that says, "Shamu rocks".

Sierra and her friend Erin holding the other towel.

Lindsey and her friend Hailey getting ready for our Shamu cheer.

Hunter, Lindsey and Hailey.

Some of our competitors.

The yellow car was shot with the bow. It won this race and left a yellow spot at the other side of the gym. It was pretty hilarious. The red car has a fan on it and is ran by a remote control. It was very inventive.

Shamoove going on its second race. We won this one because the other car ended up falling off the track.

Our third and final race. How will it end?

It's a Tie!!!!


  1. Nathan and I got a kick out of seeing these pictures. He has wanted to participate in an activity like this---maybe we can get our ward to do it. Very clever whale idea. So did the Kerns fellow with the yellow car clean up his yellow mess?

  2. Fun pictures! That looks like a fun ward activity, I think some the military folks in our ward would really have a fun time with this. Thanks for posting.

  3. Great post. What a fun tradition and creative ideas. What a great ward!
    2 weeks left!!
