Monday, February 15, 2010

New Year Resolutions

Originally at the beginning of the year I made a silent resolution that we would stay clear of the hospital this year. Unfortunately little Gage broke my resolution yesterday. He has acquired RSV again and it hit him a little hard. He was having to really work hard at breathing and the breathing treatments we were giving him at home weren't working. We took him into the ER and they admitted to the hospital.

Luckily, he did a great job of keeping his oxygen saturation up so he didn't need oxygen. As the day went on he was doing better and better. We were able to go home at 4:00 pm yesterday making it a 14 hour admission to the hospital. Probably one of our shortest stays. I will take that. He is doing better today, a little miserable, but has no problem keeping up with his siblings.

We haven't had much to update. Jason and the girls basketball season ended Thursday with their last game, unfortunately, a loss. Megan is already planning on a better season next year and is practicing out in the shop daily with our new basketball hoop. Sierra on the other hand is fine not touching a basketball until next season.

Two more weeks of skiing and the girls are really getting fun to ski with. They are loving it! Hunter is his funny self and Lindsey Lou is starting to grow up. How I wish I could stop time!

Happy Belated Valentines Day!!

Hunter loves his hair spiked up, especially for church. It is one of those battles I have to chose whether or not to fight.

Lindsey in her typical position. Looking at herself in the mirror and admiring the view. We 3-barrelled her hair the other day. She came home from school all ecstatic because a girl told her she looked like Taylor Swift.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to hear Gage is home. It sounds like things are going good. The differences in siblings are fun to see and always amaze me.
