Monday, February 1, 2010

Having Fun and Staying Healthy!

January has been a fun and busy month for us. However, we are proud to say that we ended this month without anyone being in the hospital. We were reminiscing this past week of what we were doing a year ago. When our little Gage decided to surprise our lives with another medical miracle. We are so glad he is here with us today!

On a more positive note, Megan qualified to attend the Baker City Hoop Shoot. All the elementary schools in the area hold hoop shoots. Whoever gets the most baskets qualify to go to Baker to compete, then on to districts and state. Megan took 2nd but we are really proud of her and her love for basketball.

Jason is coaching Sierra and Megan's basketball team. He is a great coach! They have 3 more games left to learn Jason's favorite, the "double pick" and the "pick and role." Sierra had a check up in California Thursday. We received an all clear on her. The doctor's are very pleased with how she is looking and we will return in March for her next biopsy.

And finally, it is ski season. Sierra and Megan are doing the ski program in school. A bus takes them up to the local ski resort here and they get lessons and ski for half the day. They LOVE it!! Parents that want to volunteer their time can go and help and ski for free. It has been 12 1/2 years since I have been on skis but I decided to go ahead and attempt it. We had a blast, and it is a lot like riding a bike. You never forget! Thanks for checking on us. Bye for now!

Gage a year ago in the Boise, ID PICU.

Megan at the Baker Hoop shoot.

There was a change in coaches at the last minute before the season started. Jason ended up with purple shirts. So, if you can't beat em, join em. Thus, the purple bandanna

Megan very intense in the basketball game.

One of the very few times you will see Sierra with her tongue in her mouth. She is fun to watch. She dribble with her tongue out and defends with her tongue out. What would she do without that thing!
My running buddies, Garrity and Ronda. Ran a 5k last week. The red cheeks are when we found out it was actually 4 miles not 3.2. We still finished!

Sierra waiting to see the doctor's in the heart clinic. So artistic!

Sierra, Megan and I hitting the slopes at Anthony Lakes.


  1. I think I have fixed our 'comment' issue. Hopefully it is working now.

  2. I have enjoyed all the posts: New Years, Christmas morning and sledding, basketball and skiing. So glad everyone is healthy. Now, to see if this comment will post?

  3. Thanks Josh,
    Looks like we finally fixed it.
