Friday, December 28, 2007

Our First Blog

Well, we finally did it, we created our first blog. Christmas was wonderful!! Jason got us this new computer and DSL making it possible to add new posts and keep a blog updated. I was so excited. Sierra's biopsy was a zero on Dec 17th which is awsome. She couldn't be doing better right now. Other than her fractured foot that she received from playing a lethal game of duck-duck-goose at her Grandma's house in Utah. Jason and I had a lot of fun at the Van Halen concert on Dec 16th with our wonderful friends the Stockwell's (who are still waiting for a heart). The girls recieved a pink princess castle for Christmas and Santa could have just stopped there but some how he always does too much. Hunter was more thrilled with the orange in his stocking than his gifts. We had a wonderful day on Christmas! Here are a few pictures I will attempt to post and hopefully they work.

1 comment:

Em said...

Stacy, you look so good! and its so fun to see everyone tubing. thank you for bloggin. I am so excited to see whats going on with your family! Its helpful to feel connected. We miss you guys and hope you have a great new year!