Friday, November 20, 2015

Nov 20, Friday morning.

Gage Aurelious, the 'Man of Steel' is having a good morning so far. A bit more awake and actually responding to people.  Physical therapy came by and played a couple games with him.  He stood for a couple of minutes, but mostly sat on his mom's lap.   No smiles yet, but getting closer?  Starting to get an appetite, not saying he is eating anything, but he is at least asking about it.  Right now he wants a taco from Taco Time (there is no Taco Time in Calif, he may have to settle for Taco Bell).  Anyway, it would be great if we could start eating.  He will get there, we are all confident of that.

Still dealing with a host of issues which are all slowly improving including blood pressure, right ventricle function, central venous pressure (CVP), cardiac output, kidney function, bed sores, fluid retention, IV functions, lung function, and other stuff I don't understand.  3 West is still a long ways away.

Noon.  In his loving 'hospital' voice Gage announced he wanted some tater-tots. So, being the obedient servant I am, I went and found some tater-tots. He ate one tot and decided he was done.  Hey, we are good with that, it was the first food he has had for a week.  Hopefully he won't vomit.

Flying home in this evening, excited to see the kids and snow.


Tara and Josh said...

The Waldo glasses rock! Great job Gage! And Stacy - you look way too young to be married to a 40+ yr old.

Anonymous said...

So glad Gage is starting to improve! We will say some extra prayers for him at church this weekend!

High Desert Museum said...

Please tell Gage he looks very intellectual in those glasses! Wonderful to see him sitting up and playing a game. He looks like he's heading in the right direction.

Unknown said...

Don't you just want to hug the heck out of that little angel? I sure do. But I bet he is really tender. Kisses will have to do for now. A lot of improvement since yesterday. Keep up the good work, GA. Love love love you.!

Unknown said...

Hello all. I have been following your blog. So glad to see him so alert and bright eyed. Sending good thoughts your way.

jennifercav said...

Wow! What a difference a day can make. Gage looks so much better. Praying for continued healing and improvement. Thank you for the update! Love and prayers from Central NY. Jennifer

Jetta said...


Marcy said...

Following your blog from South Bend, IN. Praying for you. Think of you often. God Bless.....

Anonymous said...

We farm and ranch between union and cove, we have never met but you are all in our prayers often!! You're children are amazing fighters!!! You are an inspiration to so many, Northeast Oregon loves you Gage!!

Kapuanani said...

Hello Jason! Following your story from Portland, Oregon and sending prayers, strength and healthy thoughts to all. My daughter had a liver transplant at LPCH and we became friends with the Thomas family and Tristen while at RMH. Stephanie has shared your story with us. Thank you for keeping us updated. I don't want to say I enjoy your posts during this stressful time, but you both are great writers! Tell Gage we are cheering him on. We are cheering you all on!

Mary said...

Hi Jason and Stacy, We figured Gage could use some funny You Tube clips to get him laughing

Here is the first

Love and prayers for you continue from the Olsens