Saturday, September 13, 2008

These are the days! Right?

Well it has been a little crazy around here. I have been working Wayyy too much night and day shifts. So, Jason has kept the blog going. Thank you Jason. We have gotten all four walls on the shed put up and started putting the sheeting on the outside. It is getting very exciting watching it take shape and realizing how huge it is going to be. We have been doing a ton of canning, which is always fun to see the shelves of empty bottles be replaced with full ones.

A few days ago, Lindsey and her cousin, Dallee Jo, decided to give each other hair cuts. Lindsey has cut her hair before and got in huge trouble over it. I think that she was thinking if she did someone elses and they did hers she wouldn't get in as much trouble. Dalee Jo's did come out looking a little better. Lindsey on the other hand, well I just don't know what to do with it. She starts preschool on Tuesday and there will be pictures taken by the teacher. I will look back at this and laugh some day I am sure.

Thank you Lynn, Cindy and Becca for all you help on the shed Saturday. It was so fun working on it with you guys. Good Luck Dale, Leslie and Garrity in Germany. We wish we were going. Justin and Emily we will catch up with you guys next year when I am more flight worthy.

Jason's Uncle Lynn, cousin Becca and Jason hanging our large header.
Becca and Jason finishing the framing of the header.
Dallee Jo and Lindsey with their hair and new hair cuts. Don't you love Lindsey's bangs.

Our crew that helped put our walls up on Monday night. Thank you everyone.

Lindsey helping Mom peel apples for pie filling. She has a little of her mother in her, where things just turn out better if you stick your tongue out.


Becca Gilbert said...

Stacy I love that I am checking my phone in that picture.... Gotta get updates on the game, right?? That was so much fun helping you guys, and hey, I even got a tan out of it...

Em said...

I am impressed that Jason kept your blog up. I hope things settle down for you a little and I hope your feeling well, aren't you due any day?? Will you post baby bummp pictures? I love the girls haircuts, they are so funny. (sorry I know your not laughing). Someday, you will be laughing. I am excited your shed is getting closer to being done. We wish you could come, but we will be excited to see you in 09!! I am already thinking of places to go, what would you think of Paris??

The South Pasadena Dornys said...

I am showing the hair cut pics to Ammon as an example of why we can't keep the scissors in the kitchen drawer (where he keeps putting them!) Can't wait to hear about your new addition. We are up and blogging at

The Lewis Family said...

Stacy when I read the girls cut their hair all I could think about it the "Shampoo game" the girls played with Alexus while we were there. By any chance did they take turns sitting on a ball to get their hair cut?

I am so afraid Alexus will cut her hair that I NEVER let her have scissors. I feel bad about it because she wants to use scissors soooooooo bad. I'm just not ready to deal with all the fall out yet.

I'm glad to see you all staying so busy and having so much fun. We still talk about our trip out there. It was too much fun. I can't wait to hear what you have keep us posted.