Sunday, December 30, 2007

Lindsey's #4

Here are some pictures of Lindsey's long awaited 4th birthday. We cut(chopped about 4inches) off her hair. All she kept saying all day was, "I love my hair." So that made me feel good since I don't know the first thing about cutting hair and I was the one that cut it. As long as she likes it!
Sierra is no longer using her crutches (she used them for about 2 days), she has learned to walk on the inside of her foot and that is working really well for her. Her foot is getting better and better every day. Have a great day!
We added a picture of our niece and nephew outside our house hunting with his new play gun he got for Christmas. It was just too cute!


Jen said...

I am so glad that you guys are blogging now!!! Looks like you had a great Christmas and I can not believe how big Hunter is!!! Tell everyone hi from us here in Utah.

Em said...

"look how pretty Lindsey is" love from Keanna

Anonymous said...
