Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Quick Update

 I am not great about keeping posts going, Jason is much better.  There really isn't a lot to report, thus why there hasn't been an update.  Lindsey is healing well.  She is less and less sore every day but still has to take it a little easy.  We have gone on some good walks and she tolerates those fine.  Gets a little winded, but not enough to slow down or not go shopping. She has been able to hang out with some of her Palo Alto friends. They went to dinner and shopping Saturday and ate lunch yesterday at Paly High School.  Lindsey said she felt a little anxious as she crossed the street onto the Paly campus and hoards of students were everywhere. It has been a while since she has attended a large school, she has gotten used to the small hometown of North Powder.

As far as addressing the question, "Is the new pacemaker working?" We don't know for certain.  Lindsey is very sensitive to her heart, she can feel when her heart rate drops and will sometimes get dizzy and other times not.  So far, she has had a few episodes where she has felt funny beats and felt her heart rate drop.  Sometimes she feels lightheaded, but less frequently than before.  On Friday she has appointments with the transplant team and with the electrophysiology (pacemaker) team.  They will look at her pacemaker there and do an interrogation on what the pacemaker has been recording since the implant. Hopefully, we will have more answers then. 

Gage flies in today.  This will be the first time he has flown by himself.  He is nervous, but I think it will be a good growing experience for him.  He will have a biopsy tomorrow and appointments as well on Friday with the transplant team. This will save us a trip back here in a couple weeks. If all goes well with the biopsy and clinic on Friday, we will hit the road and drive home. He is almost to his 5-year anniversary, I can hardly believe it!

It has been nice to see the wonderful familiar faces of Palo Alto.  At the RMH, the hospital, and our church community.  A reminder of how blessed we are and what wonderful people live in this area. Fingers crossed for good results on Friday!

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