Monday, November 11, 2019

November update and Good Times

So it's been over 3 months. Probably time for an update.

Seems like the only time I have to update is when one of the kids is in Calif for a heart checkup or biopsy.  Well today, Gage had his scheduled and planned 3 month biopsy.  Nothing to report there, (which is great)!  Heart pressures look good and will get rejection results tomorrow.  Lindsey and Hunter also came with us, but no checkups for them. Lindsey only gets biopsy's once a year!
There has been NOTHING to report for any of our heart kids for the last 2+ years, thus the reason for the lack of blog updates.

In other news (if you feel like reading on) life keeps movin' forward:

Sierra is on a full time mission for the church.  Because of her obvious health condition, she was assigned to the San Jose mission.  She was originally assigned to the South Carolina mission, but her dear ole' dad spoiled the fun and called Salt Lake to make sure they had read ALL the medical notes in her file.  After further review and understanding of her file, they reassigned her here to Calif so she can be close to her medical team for checkups, and any other unlikely events.  All reports say she is doing great.  We haven't seen her on this trip, she is currently servicing south of San Jose.

Megan is lovin' it at Utah State. She seems to really be jumping in to the college life.

Lindsey Lou is now the oldest and 'most mature' in your house.  She is embracing the teenage years with all it's drama.

Hunter is in 8th grade and is also learning much about early teenage drama.  I am coaching his junior high basketball team.  We have 28 kids out for basketball.  For me, that is a LOT for an A team and B team.  Some of the kids are there to get out of PE, others are there for the love of the game.  Hunter said the only way I could make the practices any more difficult is if I personally insulted the kids individually in front of the team.  I haven't done that, but do work them pretty hard.  I am actually really enjoying coaching the kids

In mid-August, we went on a challenging but dang fun family backpacking trip up into the Eagle Cap Wilderness.  That was the first time we have been able to do something like that.  Our kids loved it!! We hiked to Traverse Lake then up to Wonker Pass.  We wanted to do this before our older girls went off to college and mission, and while Gage is healthy enough to complete a 'real' hike.  This trip was no joke one the best things we have done as a family.  They liked this trip better than other vacations we had been on.  There is something to be said about 'doing hard things'.  I believe kids need these kind of experiences and learn to do hard things.

That's it for now. Once Gage is done here at the hospital, we are hitting the road for Oregon.

Till next time

Elk huntin boys

Aggie football game against BYU.  

Sierra's MTC companion is serving in Palo Alto.  Fun to see her and hear how she is doing 
 Our girls before college and mission.