Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February 26, 2018

I can't believe it has almost been 2 months since our last post.  Time is moving much faster than it was last year at this time.  Our crazy couple months is coming to a close as basketball season is ending.  Sierra participated in high school dance, Megan plays point guard on varsity basketball, Lindsey AAU volleyball, Jason coached Hunter in YMCA basketball and Gage played YMCA basketball with all his buddies.  Not to mention skiing on Fridays and tax season for dear ole Uncle Jason.  BUT, before we get into the details of our activities, I will update you on the 3 heart kids.

Lindsey and Gage went for biopsies in the middle of January.  Both received ZERO's and great check ups.  Gage will return in April for his annual check up on the 3rd.  I am having a hard time comprehending that it has been a year already.  We are continuing to s-l-o-w-l-y wean him off of his prednisone.  He will be off by the time he has his biopsy in April.  He will also be finished with about 6 different meds he is currently taking, this will cut his load in more than half. He is very excited to be done.

Lindsey will return in July and then will probably only have to go yearly after that.  Sierra went for biopsy in February and also received a ZERO.  Her check up went well and there were no changes made for her either.  We talked a lot with the team about Sierra taking on more responsibilities, as she is heading off to college in the fall, and what that entails exactly.  Sierra wasn't exactly thrilled with the conversation, she does NOT want to have to grow up. Sierra returns in July as well for her biopsy. We feel very blessed to have, what appears to be, a chance to take a deep breath. Now on to the everyday stuff.

Sierra has really enjoyed doing dance this year and has nailed all of her dances.  She has been very committed and brings fun and energy to the dance team. She is back in band playing the saxophone, which she really enjoys.  She learned how to snowboard for the first time this year, and by the 6th time, was looking pretty good on it.

Megan is heading to the state playoffs this week.  She is very dedicated and is shocked every time a shot does NOT go in. We are really proud of her hard work and focus.  Her first game will be Wednesday with the championship game on Saturday.  She has improved so much this year.  It has been so nice to be here and attend all of her games. I certainly don't take that for granted and treasure every moment.

Lindsey improved with skiing this year and no longer desires to ski with her family (bummer).  She now ski's with her friends and especially friends she has particular interest in of the male gender.  She is practicing with AAU volleyball and has her first tournament this Saturday. Between volleyball, skiing and her constantly changing middle school social life, she is happy and doing well.

Hunter really enjoyed his dad coaching his YMCA basketball team.  Jason did an awesome job with 9 boys in 5-6th grades.  Some didn't have a lot of natural ability or knowledge of the game and some did very well.  By the last game, they were really looking like a great team.  Hunter enjoyed skiing as well and went with his friends that wanted to go off jumps and difficult runs.  I was fine that he didn't want to ski with me, as I do not enjoy jump runs. He is looking forward to participating in middle school track and enjoys challenging himself in school and PE.

Gage had so much fun playing YMCA basketball with his cousins.  He really got into it and would help coach when it was his turn to sit out of the game.  He was really funny to watch.  He would have a hustle play after the ball, fall, roll then jump up and get back on defense without missing a beat.  He was really proud of the one basket he made this season.  He did great.  Gage skied for the first time this year.  He was really frustrated his first day, but quickly caught on the rest of his lesson sessions and had his teacher in awe.

Jason is in the full thick of tax season.  He still amazes me with his caring ability to put his work to the side for his family.  With all the stress he has on him, he still finds time to coach Hunter's YMCA team, attend all of Megan's games and leave the office if needed to help get kids to where they need to go.  I am a very lucky lady!

I am back to working as the school nurse 1/2 day/week, working night shift at the hospital in OB and coaching Sierra's dance team.  Along with making sure all the family activity coordinating is done.  I am currently the Relief Society President in our church.  I have the opportunity to look out for the needs of the women in our ward.  What a great calling it is for me, as our Heavenly Father has given me the opportunity to help the wonderful people who have done so much for our family.

So, as you can see, we have been very busy.  We have enjoyed having our trips for biopsies to catch up with our California friends. However, not a day goes by that we don't stop and take in the fact we are home and together.  We cherish this busy schedule, because we can do it, and this period of our life won't last forever.


  1. So glad to see things are going so well for you. God is wonderful

  2. Thanks so much for the update. So glad everything is going well. I'll continue to keep all of you in my prayers.
