Thursday, October 12, 2017

Oct 12, little catch up.

Yes, it has been a month.  A very good month here at home in Oregon.  Gage, Sierra, and Lindsey are all doing well.  As of today, they are all at zero rejection with good heart function.  So with that, we are moving forward back into our 'normal' lives.  Kids are involved in school, sports, church, and even dance.

Stacy and I were asked by our church to help teach a dance routine for the Meridian Temple open house.  So for the last month we have been teaching about 24 kids ages 12-18 a 1920's Charleston dance.  It has been really fun to teach the tough moves and see the kids pick up on it. Our kids along with rest of the crew are really picking up on it. They will combine with about 200 kids to perform the dance at the Taco Bell Arena in Boise some time in November.  Should be really cool.

At the end of  September we have our annual Deer camp over in the Imnaha area. The kids (including their Dads) look forward to this as much as if not more than Christmas.  This year we had 8 Dads and 21 kids ages 18-8......and only 2 deer tags.  Every year a new group of 8 year olds get to go.  This year it was Gage, Lyndi, and Stran.  It is really nice for Dad's and kids to get to hang out at deer camp.  We have been going to the same place since 1981.  A great tradition to maintain.

Megan, Lindsey and Hunter have been involved in fall sports.  Hunter has been playing junior high football as a 6th grader.  It has been really tough on him to run with the big 8th graders, but he loves it and keeps coming back for more.  Lindsey has been playing junior high volleyball and loves it.

Our dear Megan is a major part of the high school volleyball team.  They are currently in 1st place in the district and ranked 10th in the state. She works really hard at it and puts a lot of pressure on herself to do well.   They have one more week of district play then they start into the district and state tournaments. 

This weekend will be interesting.  We are being flown out to Chicago to participate in a fundraiser for a foundation who supports children's heart disease.  I believe it is called 'Saving Tiny Hearts'.   We are speaking at a fancy black tie gala in down town Chicago.  We have rented tuxedos and will be speaking to about 500 people this Saturday night.  Should be interesting.  Stay tune for that.

Other than that, it just really nice to be home in Oregon.  We do love and miss our Calif friends, and we know the day will come when we have to go back, but for now we are home and doing well.

 Fun deer camp pictures

 You can see camp WAY up at the top.  Still had a long ways to go!
 Look close you can see the horses and kids wayyyyy in the bottom

 The bear cave

 All for that one HUGE buck.  Good shot Nick.
 Have we ever told you that Gage LOVES football. Especially when he is playing against his cousins.  Full contact by the way. 

...and his new BB gun

 Sierra toured BYU-I.  This statue was here back in the late 80's when I was there. 
 Hangin out at Michone's wedding.  The whole gang was there. 
 2 nice boys who took Sierra on the tour.
 One of my favorite places to visit back the good ole Rick's days.


  1. So glad everyone is doing great. Th he hunting pictures are priceless.

  2. Look at all those happy Bingham faces. Thanks for sharing them all. Wish you guys nothing but love and happiness always love Aunt Kathleen

  3. Thanks for the update. I'm glad everyone is doing well!:)
