Thursday, August 10, 2017

Wednesday, August 9, 2017,

8:30 am on Alaska Airlines

Post-transplant 4 months 5 days. 

Jason here.  It has been months since I have updated.  As many of you know, I usually do my blogging while flying to Calif.  Well today we are flying but NOT to Calif, this time we have our entire family with us.  For the first time in years, we are going on vacation!  More about that later.
This summer has been a busy one.  We have worked hard to get caught up from the Calif experience and prepare to take off on this vacation.  Both of those together equals some very busy days.  Buts it’s all good.  Still, so nice to be home.  Gage and the crew are all doing well, nothing to report there.   On our way back from our vacation, the plane has a layover in San Francisco.  Gage and I will get off and head to Stanford for a biopsy.  Stacy and the rest of the crew will finish the flight home and get back into life.

This summer our family has done quite a bit of farm work in addition to the regular office work I have.  We had a lot of hay that needs to be cut, raked, baled and stacked.  Our goal was to have it all done before leaving.  We started back in late June and finished the night before we left on this trip.  It was a good experience for our family.  Always good when there is good work for our kids to do.   
Stacy and the kids have also been doing some serious de-junking in the house.  Two years in Calif and created a lot of ‘stuff’ in the house.  With Stacy leading the charge, they started in Lindsey’s room and then worked their way from room to room.  So far there has been at least 12+ bags to the DI (or Salvation Army) 2 heaping truck loads to the dump and I load to recycling.  And we are still not done!  Feels good to clean out!

On a very personal note, we have had to deal with some ‘attitudes’ in our family. (Very lousy rotten spoiled attitudes to be frankly honest).   There has been some lazy, entitlement, selfish attitudes that we have had to deal with.  Stacy and I think it might be a product of the small confined RMH we lived in with too much idle time on our hands.  It has been tough trying to teach our kids to work, clean up after themselves, do chores, and be thankful for what others do for them.  I am pretty sure we are the ONLY family out there that has to deal with this kind of thing.

Now for the fun stuff.  We have boarded a plane in Portland and are now flying west… to the islands of Hawaii.  Aloha!  Stacy’s mother Renee and her step father, Randy are serving a mission at the PCC in Oahu.  So we are going to see them for a week and all the sights we can get in.  Then, we are going to hop a flight to the big island, and see Stacy’s sister Kelly and her family for a week.  Kelly son, Stetson, is leaving on a mission and his farewell happen while we are there. Since our kids are healthy enough (for now) and Sierra is a senior in school this was a good time to go for it. So we did….  

That is it for now.  Pictures to come.


9:02 pm. Fun day on the beach in Laie. Boogie boards and playing on the beach. We are all pooped and ready for a fun today tomorrow.


  1. Oh my word how fun... 🐠🌴🏄‍♀️🐬🐢🌴
    Enjoy every minute...

  2. So great to hear you are enjoying a family vacation to Hawaii!! Looking forward to reading and seeing pictures about all the fun things you'll get to do.
    BTW - You're definitely not the only parents out there struggling with how to teach kids how to work and the other things you mentioned! I'm right there with you! Sounds like you're doing a great job with all the farm and house work - and Uncle Dale mentioned to me at Dad's 90th that you guys are really working hard with your kids this summer, he was so impressed. And so am I. Enjoy a relaxing vacation in paradise!! You all deserve it so much!

  3. SO glad for yourtime to unwind, rewind, and just enjoy each other. As far as attitudes's an epidemic across all families. Continue to be the great role models you and Stacy are....
    So thankful for each one of you, from High Valley.

  4. You deserve qa good relaxing vacation.
    Pretty sure all nerves are shot after all you guys have been through. Go easy on each other :)
    Group Hug....

  5. What's great place to relax!!! So deserved after all you've been through!!

  6. Cheers to the sunny days! So happy to hear that you have your toes in the sand...! We'll miss you all back at Nixon! But are so very very happy to hear the great, awesome, wonderful status of things! Hugs and hello to everyone. xo

  7. Aloha! So glad you are able to have fun in the healing waters of Hawai`i nei, Ot is a great place to return to nature and relax. When you find out the solution to attitude, let me know. I have a 3 (liver transplant babe) and an almost 6 year old (major attitude but empathetic).
