Sunday, July 16, 2017

Home and LOVING it!

Gage and I arrived home in the late afternoon of the 29th of June. Since then, we hit the ground running and have been enjoying and taking in our time at home ever since.  We have had the pleasure of attending 2 reunions and started the "cleaning/dejunking process" of our house.  This includes weeding garden and flower beds, staining fences and decks, ranch work and visiting with family.  It finally feels like summer!  The kids might think they have been admitted to a work camp, as there is a lot more for them to do, but our new motto is, "work hard play hard."

Gage is doing great.  I will be taking Gage, Sierra and Lindsey to California next week for biopsies and appointments.  It has been really nice having a couple weeks to have a break from biopsies, clinic and blood draws.  We are taking each day in deeply.  Always walking tentatively not knowing how long this will last.  I have enjoyed watching sunsets, being able to see the stars at night and the good feeling  being home all together.

So far, we have thrown out 7 bags of "stuff" from 2 bedrooms and one bathroom.  We still have a lot further to go, but it is great to be home where we can do that. We are slowly making our house feel lived in again, inside and out! Tomorrow, the 5 kids and I are heading to Boise for appointments.  Sierra, Gage and possibly Megan will check in with our pediatric cardiologist there.  Megan just for her annual echocardiogram.  We will then leave there and head to 4 orthodontist appointments.  It should be a fun day.  Hope for some shopping somewhere in there as well.
Our first stop when we got home was to say "Hi" to dad at his office.

 Tour of Grandma Bingham's (Jason's mom) old stomping grounds. Then on to Bear Lake.

Next reunion, having fun hiking in the mountains near our house. 

 Enjoying some tin foil dinners in our fire pit in our yard.

The reward for a hard weeks labor.  Hiking in to a mountain lake and cliff jumping. 

 No, we did not let Gage jump from the high cliff.  He just jumped in from the rocks in the picture. 

 Today Gage was baptized.  We believe in baptizing at the age of 8.  He could never be baptized because of his VAD.  It bothered him a lot.  BUT, today he was finally able to be baptized.  It was a very special day and he was definitely ready.
My wonderful family who came to help with it all!!


  1. Gage, you look great. Praying for good times for all and that the work will seem easy. Kay P

  2. I'm smiling, smiling, smiling, from High Valley.

  3. So many answered prayers! Extremely happy for your family! Enjoy being you, altogether!

  4. So thankful that you can all be together at home..too was excited to see that Gage was able to be baptized..What a blessing.

  5. Happy happy happy!! I have been thinking about all of you (and missing you!). I'm glad to see you're home and soaking it all in. And congratulations to Gage on his baptism, what a special day!

  6. This is one of the best (good news) blog updates you've ever posted!! So happy for you all to be together in your home and loving/living life!! Congrats to Gage on his baptism. I know you've got it good in Oregon, but always remember your Palo Alto people love you guys too ❤️❤️ Merrilee

  7. Wonderful to your family enjoying being back home! :)

  8. Reine and Kent BinghamJuly 17, 2017 at 8:28 PM

    It's wonderful to see all those happy faces enjoying life together at home.
    Our love and many hugs!

  9. love seeing all of you together as a family. Great reunion pictures - fun to see Aunt Leslie and Uncle Dale, and everyone and their kids, growing up so fast.

  10. I'm so glad you are getting to spend time together as a family in your own home. It is something that the rest of us take for granted. It was fun to see Gage's baptism picture.

  11. Hello Binghams! I just watched your story on Dateline. I really applaud all of your bravery and courage. You are an amazing family. I just wanted to let you know that you inspired me to become an organ donor. It was always marked on my driver's license, but I made sure I was at my state level and here as well: Being vocal about your family's challenges has inspired me and I'm sure many other people as well. Thank you so much for making a difference! And congratulations on everyone's healthy status!!

    Best Wishes and Love,
    Barbs Herbst
