Monday, May 22, 2017

Swimming at Last

We had a very enjoyable and busy weekend.  Friday night started with the annual hospital prom.  This is our 3rd prom in a row that we have been able to attend.  Each one we look forward to.  This years theme was "Western." Which just happens to be right up our alley.  Jason brought back from Oregon some of our western clothes, such as; boots, chaps, spurs, bandanas, hats and vests.  The kids were really excited.  For those who have never experienced the hospital prom, it is quite a special night.  The  hospital school staff start planning this at the very beginning of the school year.  They put A LOT of time and effort into making this a great night for kids in the hospital.

This year was another success! They had booths for games, prizes, face painting, "Larry the Lasso" cowboy, 5-6 players from the 49ers, a DJ for dancing, food and Black Jack tables.  There was something for everyone.  Gage spent most of his time at the food table or the drinks.  There were some of his nurse practitioners there and I gently explained that there was no way I was going to keep track of his sodium and fluid restriction that night.  He was constantly eating or drinking.  Hunter enjoyed the dancing aspect after a few games.  Lindsey enjoyed socializing a little with her good friend Kirtana, then worked up the dance floor as well.  Sierra was Gage's date, so she followed him around to the games he played, then went to the dance floor to bust some moves as well.  Jason and I walked around and talked with a lot of the families we have met over the years at hospital school or through our stays at the hospital.  It is always so great to see them and catch up on how their children are doing.  It was such a nice evening.  I even found a moment to take in, 4 of my 5 children, laughing and having a good time on the dance floor together.  Oh how we missed Megan!

Saturday, Gage was able to swim for the first time in almost 2 years.  He was really nervous at first. He felt like he had forgotten how to swim.  Once he was in the pool he relaxed and had a great time.  His baseball team had their end of season party, so he was able to swim there.  Then we were able to go to our dear friends, the Van Elderen's, where we stayed last summer.  Gage finally got to swim in their pool.  While on the VAD, he could never go in further than his knees.  It was so nice to see Dan and Judi and catch up.  Such wonderfully amazing people!

Jason flew back to Oregon Saturday night.  The stress of ALL his work is mounting higher.  With the warm weather at home, it is time to get the water going on our grassy fields.  Office work that is left over from a tax season interrupted by a transplant and many other tasks that have been neglected. Oregon is where he needs to be right now.

School is winding down here in California.  The kids have 7 more days of school (not that their counting, but Lindsey could tell you to the hour).  Which brings us to our biggest question, "Now what?"  Do we send everyone home to Oregon when school gets out and just Gage and I stay? Do we bring Megan here and stay for the last month together in California? Or my favorite, do we ask to go home early and spend the whole summer together as a family? Wednesday, Gage has clinic, and we are now ready to present them with the question of going home early.  Gage will have a biopsy on the 31st of May, if that is a 1A or a Zero, I will have to have a pretty good reason why we can't go home.  I feel we have put our time in and we aren't new at this.  We will be returning 2 weeks later for another biopsy, but at least we could be in our home and together as a family.  Wish us luck, as we have a busy summer planned, in pencil, on the calendar.


  1. Scheduling it in pencil is never a bad idea! I loved this blog Stacy. I love seeing your kids smile and having a good time at the prom. They look so good!

  2. I love, love, love this post!!! Fingers crossed for an early return HOME! ❤

  3. Oh my goodness, what great pictures! Everyone looks happy and healthy....such an answer to so many prayers! Will be hoping today that the answer is YES,and you'll all be on your way home! Love and prayers from High Valley.

    1. Such great news. I don't know if you will read this but if you do I'm Kim a Kaufman founder of Angels For Hearts you can ask the Child Life about us. We help heart families regain normalcy and have events and parties for heart families and heart Angel families. We have many friends in common and families from LPCH. We have a new family at LPCH just thrown into the heart family life with a 7th grader that needed Lvad and is awaiting transplant. If you want it could email me or call I know this mom would love to talk with another family who has been through this. It's just her and her son. You can email me at: or call or text (916)716-1101 is my cell. We like to connect families if we can. One thing my mom missed when I was there for weeks and months was not having others to talk to or understand what the heart family life that you create your own normal. Prayers for Gage that you get to go home early! Thank you for your time and sharing your families journey.

  4. I love seeing everyone doing so well! I hope that Gage will be able to return to Oregon!

  5. Loved seeing such wonderful smiles on the family. That is one tired, precious cowboy!!! �� Prayers that June will see everone together in Oregon.

  6. Cute pictures & fun weekend! 🌺Hoping and praiying your Oregon summer dreams come true.😇

  7. such fun pictures of an absolutely beautiful family. I had to laugh at the picture of Gage asleep with the lollipop! So cute! He really wore himself out having a good time. Praying you can all be together soon. lots of love from Colorado

  8. Swimming yippee!!! Prom what fun. You can tell all the kids had fun and I love that Gage partied til he couldn't party no more lol. Best of luck convincing the doctors. Praying all five of your babies are soon Oregon bound!!! Thanks for the great pics.
