Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers! We are back to updating once a week, which is a good thing.  This means we are not sitting in a hospital room with nothing to do but worry.  I had a great birthday, thank you for all the birthday wishes.  Gage's teacher made it a very special day at school.  No going under the radar for me.  She had the kids make a fun birthday book, made special cupcakes and had Hunter and Jason join us for the party.  Very above and beyond.  Thank you Mary!!

Gage had a great week with just a little bump.  He was able to attend school every day this week.  He did great Monday and Tuesday.  Wednesday he had clinic and his blood pressures have been a little high.  In the 130's /90's.  His goal range for his blood pressure is 110's /60's.  We are a little sensitive to this as his seizure was caused from high blood pressure.  So, the doctors adjusted his blood pressure patch.  The dose was doubled from 0.1 to 0.2.  The other change they made, was they decreased his feeds to 1 can instead of 2.  Gearing toward getting his feeding tube out!.  We left clinic and headed back to school after placing the 0.2 patch for blood pressure.  He did great, but started acting a little tired as the evening proceeded.  Thursday he was hard to wake up, fell asleep at breakfast, slept through recess and lunch and slept as soon as school was over.  Apparently, we over shot the blood pressure patch.  The doctors had us change it back to the 0.1 patch Friday morning, and by Friday evening he was starting to act like himself and not a ZOMBIE.  We had a great day yesterday and he is laughing and giggling and acting more like himself.

Hunter had his baseball playoffs this week.  It did not end well unfortunately.  He lost his game Monday and ended the season with a loss on Wednesday.  He was a pretty unhappy camper Wednesday night.  I sure felt bad for him, but there wasn't a lot to say to him as he wasn't in the mood to hear anything positive.  Good thing he can sleep those things off and be in a great mood the next day.

Jason returned to Oregon on Tuesday where he could try and catch up on a lot of the work there waiting for him.  There is so much pressure on him from so many angles.  Between the part of his family here in california, Megan in Oregon, office work and issues to attend to there, and all the ranch work that needs to be done, he is carrying a HEAVY load.  It will be so nice to help take that load off when we can all be home together.  He will return here to California on Tuesday, as we have activities this week that will require 2 parents.  Sierra and Gage both have biopsies on Wednesday.  Sierra has her biopsies without anesthesia and Gage has his with general anesthesia (for now).  This places them at different areas of the hospital recovering in different areas.  Physically impossible for me to be 2 places at once, so Jason is coming back to help with  that.

We are a little nervous for Sierra's biopsy and Gages for that matter.  Sierra is our little wild card.  We're never sure what she is going to throw at us for results. There is also end of year band concerts, other clinic appointments for Hunter and Lindsey and baseball games for Gage.  He is 6 weeks post transplant, which means he is off sternal precautions and can go swimming and play baseball.  He is really excited about that. It will be nice to have Jason here for all these activities and appointments.  We will celebrate his birthday early while he is here and then he will return to Oregon the following Tuesday. One day we will be able to spend ALL of Mother's day, my birthday, his birthday, Memorial

 day, and Heaven forbid our Anniversary together, instead of in different states.  But, not this year.

Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful mother.  Mom, you taught me what it is to be a loving, nurturing, and caring person.  Thank you for calling to check in with me and for all you support.  Thank you for always being there when I need a recipe or suggestion for dinner or any other hair brained thought I have.  Thank you for being you!!

And Happy Mother's Day to a wonderful mother-in-law.  Les, you are such a great and supportive person.  You always drop whatever your day plans were and take my kids if I need you to or help me in any way. You are a very selfless person. Thank you for looking after our place as we are not there and trying to find recipes for me when I need them. 😉

I love you both and feel so very blessed you are in my life as such great examples!

Gage and I at school, he laid down and fell asleep shortly after this picture. 

 We had the fun treat of spending Friday afternoon with the Thornton's.  Ben had a biopsy and he received a ZERO!! Congratulations Ben.  A group came into the RMH and helped the kids golf.  It was a lot of fun! 

We were able to go to the temple yesterday.  My most favorite places!


  1. Reine and Kent BinghamMay 14, 2017 at 11:16 AM

    Happy Mother's Day, Stacy. You are a very special Mother. Jason and your kids are truly blessed to have you. How wonderful to see Gage enjoying all the activities with more to come. Hugs and prayers to all.

  2. Happy Mother's Day! I'm glad everything is going well! I hope both Gage and Sierra have good results on their biopsies.

  3. Happy Mother's Day Stacy. So nice to see Gage with a big smile feeling better. Prayers for both having 0's on their biopsies.

  4. Can't think of a more inspiring Mom!! Hope your day has been great and that the week ahead is "uneventful" in the medical aspect!! Thanks for all the updates and continued prayers for continued speedy recovery for Gage and an opportunity for all of you to return home soon and live a very "boring" life in North Powder!! Hugs from High Valley!!

  5. Happy Mother's Day!!!
    You sure deserve a happy one :)

  6. What a wonderful report! Happy belated birthday to you and happy mother's day also. It's great that Gage is back in school. Praying for good biopsies this week for both Sierra and Gage. One day soon you all will be back home together in Oregon.

  7. So very happy to hear you had a good bday week! It was fun to see you and catch up. Thank you for your beautiful example of nurturing and motherhood, Stacy!

  8. Great report. Praying it continues. These last few weeks of school are always hectic! Hoping for a great summer for All the Binghams. Jennifer
